Traditional Versus Electronic Postcards

Small business owners have limited time and resources. This is why it is important that they make use of every material and opportunity they have. This is especially important in marketing. Because marketing must be done consistently, the cost can go out of hand. It is, therefore, important that they look for ways to save on expenses without sacrificing the quality of their marketing campaign.

One great and cost effective material you can use to market your business is the postcards. This simple card has long proven its value in promoting products and services. It is time you understand its marketing power yourself.

A new trend in postcard marketing is the electronic post cards. With the internet and the technology available today, many businesses are hooked on e-postcards. But is it right for your business? If you are having an internal debate whether to use traditional postcards or electronic post cards, going over the following benefits and fallbacks of each method will help you make the right decision.

The difference:

Making traditional postcards can be done in two processes: offset printing and digital printing. Offset printing refers to the indirect way of printing by transferring graphics or images from plate to rubber blanket and to the paper surface. This is usually an affordable process especially for mass mailing of postcards since you only need to pay per piece and the cost is further reduced if you order in bulk.

Digital printing, on the other hand, is the process in which a graphic or a file is directly printed into the surface of the paper stock. Unlike the offset printing method, digital printing is an ideal process to avail of when you need to order just a small number of postcards. It also offers wide options such as the variable date printing that allows you to vary certain information per piece or per copy, and the print on demand that lets you order new batch of postcard printing in small number only when needed.

Electronic post cards, however, do not need printing but they also rely on mass mailing although the mailing process is done through email.

Below are the advantages of utilizing traditional postcards and e-cards:

Fast and easy viewing. Viewing is as simple as writing your name on a piece of paper. You do not have to open or use an envelope and other packaging materials.

Assured readership. With the aid of postcards, you can be sure that your design and the copy will be seen because it is exposed out in the open. As soon as the graphic is seen, your clients and customers will be attracted to view or read your postcards.

Real or can be touched. Postcards can be touched, therefore it will appeal more to the senses and you can also modify it to get the right feature that can catch people