Traffic the Write Way

Traffic the "Write" Way?
Copyright 2002
By Armand Melanson

One of the cheapest ways to drive traffic to your site
is via articles you submit to other newsletter publishers.

It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just some helpful
info about something related to what you are selling at your
site. The more articles you can have published, them more
traffic you get for free.

When writing your articles, you need to format them to less
65 than chars per line or the article may look screwy in some
email programs. You can do this using windows Notepad. Just
type random letter 65 times at the top of your doc, then start
your article. When you reach the end of the line you created
at the top, then hit enter to start a new line.

ashdjfkslkkajskdleorit>65 characters wide
Or you can use a text editor that you can set the line length
is great & FREE - I highly recommend it.

Viral marketing is marketing that reproduces itself (like a
virus). With articles, you can include a blurb in the footer
called a resource box. This is where you tell the reader who
you are & how to get in touch with you (website URL). See
the resource box at the end of this article for a sample.

You can also say that the article is republishable. That's
where the viral part comes in. If 1 of every 100 readers
decides to republish, then your article starts to make its
way around the Net for free & points everyone back to your

That's why so many people develop free eBooks - for the
free traffic that comes from them being republished on
other people's sites.

So once you have an article you then need to get it
published. Here's what you do: you find ezines &
newsletters that cater to the audience you are targeting.
Then you contact the publisher via email & send him your

The best way to organize this is by finding all the ezines
that target your audience. Here is are great resources for
finding ezines to submit to:

Here are some sites that provide articles for ezine
publishers - you submit to them & your article can end up
in several ezines:

Once you have your list of publishers, you can email them
twice a month with new articles for publishing OR use the
submission URLs that many websites offer.

Oh yeah, republish this article if you want nudge, nudge> :-)

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Armand Melanson is an emarketing
consultant & author. For free marketing tips & articles you
can re-use, visit him at

About the Author

Armand Melanson is an emarketing
consultant & author. For free marketing tips & articles you
can re-use, visit him at