Use Hands-on Marketing to Sell Like Crazy

I have a neighbor who, last year, started her own house-cleaning
service. Paula had been living on a shoe-string for years, and
now that her children had all reached school age, she decided she
needed to enter the workforce. She was looking for something
that would pay well, but would still leave her free to make her
own schedule and to be there for her kids as needed. Her
friends, me included, had always commented on what an immaculate
house she kept, and her idea for a house-cleaning service sprang
from these compliments.

Getting her first clients was easy. There were a few busy
families in our neighborhood who were eager, even desperate to
use her services and expertise. The woman who shares a back
fence with me who just started a high-paying, but really
demanding job with an accounting firm, and the husband and wife
sales team around the corner, among others, retained Paula's
services almost immediately.

Once Paula had settled into a routine with her new clients, she
found she wanted more. Her clients were really happy with her
work, but due to the nature of the business, most only wanted her
to come in once a week, or even once every two weeks.
Considering she spent about two hours per job, she found she was
working about 10 hours per week. This was a good start, but not
nearly enough.

Paula came to me one afternoon seeming a little frustrated. "I
know you give business advice to people with small businesses,"
she said, "but how about people with tiny businesses? If this
business is going to fly, I really need to get the word out, but
I don't have more than a few dollars to spare."

We sat and talked about it for a few minutes. I asked her if she
was willing to give up a few hours of leisure time, say a few
Saturday afternoons, and if she could possibly get her kids to
help out. She said yes, and I told her that that was all she
needed, that and a few dollars to print up flyers and maybe make
a sign or two, oh, and to buy the ingredients for a few batches
of cookies. She asked what I was getting at, and I gave her
these hands-on, almost-free marketing tips.

1. Saturday Afternoon at the Mall. Set up a table outside your
local mall or shopping center and hand out cookies and punch.
Have a big banner advertising your business, and enough flyers or
business cards for potential clients to take with them. Maybe
even have a raffle for one free service or product, like one free
trial house-cleaning.

2. Signs in your vehicle. Make a professional looking sign that
has your business name and phone number in big clear print.
Park your car in a conspicuous spot for a few hours when you
don't need it and put the sign in your window.

3. Pinup Flyers. Make a flyer giving all the basics about your
business. Make sure the flyer is simple and easy to read. Avoid
to much type or pictures. Have tear off tabs at the bottom with
your business name and phone number.

4. Use Your Imagination. Once you're on a roll with this kind of
stuff, you'll automatically think of a lot more ways to go about
it. Listen to your own ideas, they're probably great.

Well, Paula started out with a Saturday afternoon at the mall.
She told me that within a couple of weeks she had pulled in five
new clients. Later that week I noticed a few flyers downtown
with her name and number above a big picture of a scrub-brush and
mop. I learned from her later that, over the course of a few more
weeks, she had pulled in another three clients, and was getting
near her limit. She couldn't have been happier, and she said she
had spent a total of about 10 hours and 30 bucks.

So remember, when you're just getting started in business,
there's often no need to go with a big expensive marketing
strategy. Keep it hands-on, and before you know it, your
business will be bigger than you ever imagined. There's money to
be made out there if you just know how to do it.

About the Author

Alvin Apple helps everyday people start businesses they will
enjoy. Then he teaches them how to succeed. Read all his
helpful strategies, including his latest article, "Gender
Equality in Business" at Reach Alvin
at 801-328-9006 or