Use The Media To Make Your Personality Famous

The media and public love certain kinds of personalities.
Although few of us really have those personalities, all of us
can cultivate the public image that we have one of them.

This can make you a favorite of the public and a darling of
the media. I don't have to tell you how good that can be for
your sales.

Here are some examples of personality types the public
jumps for:

The Expert People Can Talk To. Everyone wants to have
their problems solved by an expert. Write articles, get
interviewed on talk radio, put your expert tips on your site.
Then invite everyone to call your expert line or send an

The Techno Whiz Kid. Everyone knows computers and
techno gadgets can make life easier and earn lots of money.
Yet most of us are still a bit befuddled by computers and
know little about how most technology works. If
electronics, programming, or even using technology is one
of your strengths, stress it to the media and public.

The Pioneer. If you are the first to do something, make
sure you publicize it.

Your personality can have a lot to do with how much you sell, but
your profession can as well. Consider this- most teachers have an
incredible network of people they know in all walks of life and
business. When you spend a semester working with the same 30
people each week, you get to know all about them and the
industries they work in.

Many people who teach find the experience enriches their
business. Some find a consulting business automatically
grows out of it.

Teaching a class is a fine way to become known
throughout the community for your knowledge and skill.

Most colleges and universities hire part-time teachers.
You can teach an evening class about almost any subject.
Many times the only requirement for teaching a community
enrichment course is you have experience in the subject you
are teaching.

While it isn't a good idea to sell directly to students,
many will be happy to introduce you to managers and
specialists they know or work with.

Also look for opportunities to appear on instructional TV
programs and contribute to book and journals. The number of these
instructional radio and TV talk programs has exploded in recent
years. Just about every station has a talk show and many air
nothing but talk.

Be ready to do your interview. You will want to be informed and
energetic. Most interviews are short. Watch interviews on CNN
these days. They rarely last more than 60 seconds.

Breath deeply. Do a few deep knee bends. You want to be warmed
up and ready to go when you hit the microphone.

Have a sheet of questions and answers you can give the host or
producer. The host will work from your sheet. This gives you a
great shot at being asked the right questionsquestions you
already know the answer to. Ever wonder how experts instantly
know an answer to a question during interviews? The expert gave
the host the questions to ask.

Use plenty of expression in your voice. Talking the way you do
in everyday life will come off as a monotone on air. Speak
crisply. Get to the point quickly.

Remember that if you do decide to market yourself through an
instructional program that people flick to certain kinds of
personalities. Play it off, and you could really up your

About the Author

Kevin Nunley provides marketing advice, business writing, and
popular promotion packages. See his 10,000 free marketing ideas
at Reach Kevin at
or 801-328-9006.