Using Direct Mail Promotion to Build On-Line Traffic

There are many effective on-line promotion techniques. Everyone¹s using
them. In fact, they are being used so much some are becoming less effective.
It¹s getting more difficult to break through all the on-line advertising
clutter and build your business.

The solution?

Direct mail advertising. Direct mail combines the targeting of on-line
marketing with the longevity of off-line marketing. Your mailing list can be
targeted to your prospect¹s demographics, geographics and interests. And
because mailers are tangible they demand attention ­ and can be kept as a

Our client¹s have had the most success with postcard mailings. These
mailings have a big impact for a smaller price tag. There¹s no envelope to
print, stuff or open. The message is immediately there to capture the
reader¹s attention.

Your mailing can be a one-time event or a series of mailings. In our
experience a long-term direct mail campaign is the most effective. Each
successive postcard generates more results because your name and message
becomes recognized and remembered.

Here¹s a checklist for developing your next mailing. Read the whole list
before you begin a direct mail campaign. There are a lot of details to
manage, and you don¹t want to miss an important one:

1. Selecting A List ­ Be sure to choose a reliable source that guarantees
the list.

o Is it targeted to your exact audience by income, gender, location, or

o Will the list broker/source reimburse you for bad addresses?

o How often can you use the list? Is it time or use limited?

o What is the source of this list? Magazine? Database? Phonebook?

o What format can you get it in? DB? ASCII? Labels? Tape? Diskette? CD?

2. Designing A Postcard ­ Choose a firm that understands postcard design.
Avoid cramming too much in. If you have a lot to say, break it out over a
series of mailers.

o Does it meet postal requirements?

o Are you using color and graphics effectively?

o Does your headline capture the reader?

o Do you tell them what you want them to do? (visit your site!)

o Is your message simple and clear?

3. Printing A Postcard ­ Choose a printer that can show you postcard
samples. These can both serve to show the quality of their work and give you
ideas for your card.

o Is you printer familiar with postcard printing?

o Is it mailable weight? Is the thickness correct?

o Are the dimension right? Does it meet postal codes?

o Can the printer meet your deadline?

o Should you print extra for future use? What¹s the cost?

4. Bulk Mailing - I suggest you use a lettershop to do your mailing
preparation. A lettershop can save you enough money on bulk mailing postage
to pay for their services ‹ and save you hours of labeling and stamping.

o Will you use your permit or your lettershop¹s?

o Are you using labels or imprinting the cards?

o What is the bulk rate for this postcard? What¹s first class? What will
you do?

o When will the postal drop be? When will it arrive in your customer¹s

o Does the piece meet postal code? Is the permit number correct?

This is not an exhaustive list, but a fairly thorough one. It should guide
you along the general route and help you avoid the major potholes you could

Remember the old adage: Failing to plan is like planning to fail. There¹s a
lot of planning in a direct mail campaign. The better prepared you are, the
better your results will be.

When planning a mailing work backwards from the date you want the card to
arrive. Add in the time for design, printing, labeling and mailing. Be sure
to have a buffer in case any complications arise. You can always as a
lettershop to hold a mailing a few days. That¹s a lot less stressful than
rushing the job and paying for the resulting mistakes.

I suggest you choose suppliers that have experience doing postcard mailings.
They can help you with all the details. Or better yet, choose one source to
manage the entire mailing.

Track the results of your mailing. You¹ll probably find hits will jump
suddenly, and then trail off over a few days. Try to space your mailing out
so that the peaks and trail-offs overlap slightly for maximum results.

About the Author

Phil Sasso, president of Sasso Marketing, provides marketing consulting &
creative services ­ both in print & e-media. | |