We are advertising BACKWARDS and don't realize it!

I know your going to find this hard to believe, but...... we are advertising backwards and have no idea we are doing it.

We are advertising for ourselves, now just wait a minute before you go hoffing off.

Think about it.....

You like the ads, you like the placement, you give the OK.... right? How much product are YOU going to buy from you? There's your answer, or the beginning of your answer.

There is a lot to learn, visit www.effectiveadvertising.com. I cover as much as I can on the site. Honestly, it would almost take the entire Interenet or more for the full story. Join us, we don't bite and we have a lot of success and fun leaning and sharing what we know about today's advertising. We welcome you!

Jerry Klabunde
Psident and Owner
Effective Avertising and Associates

About the Author

Voice of America, Radio Free Europe, Major Traditional Media Properties, Academic, Several Degrees, Pratical Experience Studing Advertising and it's Efficiency. There are "parts" missing that is keeping it from being a communication.