Website and other Media Advertising

Let’s look at all Medias and their effectiveness in bringing in new customers, and then we will look at the advantages of web advertising.

Radio- Radio, the oldest of verbal communications has been very good at reaching the masses. One of its problems is the expense. To reach your targeted audience you need to have your commercial played frequently to be effective. Time slots are also important, morning having the most listeners, followed by afternoon drive, midday, evenings and then overnight. You want customers? Just buy a quantity of commercials and your reach should be good.

Television – Good way to reach customers, biggest drawback is expense. If you use a local TV station to produce your commercial it can be poor at best. You will need to seek a production company that can convey your message with a fresh and catchy campaign.

Print- Unlike the others, the source can be easily saved and referenced at a later date. If you use newspaper which is the most effective of all print Medias, it can be very cost effective. Keep in mind that newspaper readership seem to be on the decline over the past few decades, but still a popular medium.

Internet- Used correctly this is the best of them all! I know most people have not seen the true value of it other than being cool. “We have a webpage!”
Let me show you 3 key points to improve you reach through your website.

1.First make all your other media resources point to your website… That radio ad should say more than call……It should also include your website URL the same with your print and Television advertising. Drive them to the web where they have access to your products and services 24 hours a day.

2.Make all your invoices and store signage carry your website URL.

3.The web can bring you business. Just keep in mind that content is king! All the information above won’t do a thing for you, if you don’t keep that site updated. No one wants to see specials from 6 months ago!

One last thing, don’t forget to get the customer’s email address and get it into your direct mailing database. Then you can look at their past purchases and target market their interests.

About the Author

Terry Henry is Operations manager for the Hendev Group ( with interest in online publishing, hosting, web development, marketing and consulting