What Do Marketers Sell Only the Good Stuff!

This week I was suddenly struck by the fact that I sell dozens of
products and services that I never see, some I've never used and
many that I didn't even know about before that company hired

One thing that all of those products and services have in
common is the fact that their owners and proprietors believe in their
product strongly and seek out marketing advice and expertise to
promote their stuff online. A second thing they each have very
much in common is that I too believe in them and support their
products and services wholeheartedly. No doubts. No hesitation.

It kind of snuck up on me that I wouldn't help to sell products
that I couldn't believe in when I realized that I had NOT called
back the online casino owner that had asked for my help. I don't
actively oppose online gambling but neither do I see myself in
the opposite role of promoter and marketer. There is something
of a distasteful vision of a carny hawker promising more than truly
gets delivered (inside the circus tent) inherent in gambling.

I often find myself in a similar position when visiting the many
job notice services for freelance professionals and review the
available jobs up for bid. I see jobs to promote questionable
dietary supplements. If it works as well as they say it does,
then it would be on every supermarket shelf, and they wouldn't
need help selling a few more online. Did someone say snake

More perusal of the consulting positions reveals that most of
those available jobs are either promoting dull, undifferentiated
stuff that hasn't got a chance of being noticed OR is a last
ditch effort to save a sinking business that is like all others.
I won't contact the companies because they are willing to throw
some money at a hopeless business model - I gotta believe!

But then I turned my new revelation on it's head and looked very
closely at the products and services I have chosen to promote
via search engine optimization, online press releases and opt-in
email campaigns. I realize that I strongly, no emphatically
believe in those products and services!

In nearly every case I have reviewed the offering and found it to
be something I could believe in - even if I wouldn't use it
myself. I found myself saying to one client this week that I'm
not his customer. Why not?! He said, surprised at my revelation.
He sells oat-based bath products for sensitive skin. I smiled as
I explained that my shower holds a bottle of bargain shampoo
and a bar of Ivory soap that I buy in bulk at a membership

Why do I believe in his product and want to spend time
promoting oat-based bath products, shampoos, lotions and soaps?
Because HE believes in his products and is proud they are wholesome,
natural and healthy and are not tested on animals. He's excited by the
fact that oats have been clinically tested and shown to help heal
and soothe itchy, dry and damaged, sensitive skin. His
enthusiasm is contagious and the product is truly useful to people who need
bath products that soothe and protect, even if I DO use the
bargain brand. I can believe in a useful and effective product.

Take a look, it's good stuff. http://www.pennyisland.com

Then there's the client with the horseback riding program meant
exclusively for overweight, out-of-shape & large riders. It only
took a couple of those stories of the emails detailing tears in
the eyes of women who longed to ride horses but can't face the
judgemental comments from rough ranch hands as they push
their charge over the back of horses too small to carry them. It really
was great to see the smiles of overweight riders stepping onto
big draft horses from safe mounting blocks at the top of stairs,
rather than hoisting themselves up (or not) from the ground.

The proprietor of this program is herself large and wanted to
ride, but her childhood knee surgery left her unable to do all
the bending twisting and climbing necessary to mount a horse
and then made it difficult to stay in the saddle due to the strain
on her knees caused by the standard small saddles and
position of the stirrups. Undaunted, she bought big, beautiful draft
horses, larger saddles and mounting blocks and realized her
childhood dream. She is in heaven when she's riding, grooming
and caring for her horses. She wanted to share it with others.

It's a joy to promote this business too. http://junosstables.com

I took on a new client last week who sells a pain relief spray
and topical analgesic that helps ease chronic or recurring pain.
It turns out that he's heard that trainers use his product on
horses as well as the more mainstream customers of
professional sports teams and sufferers of chronic pain. I introduced the two
of them and they are conspiring to sell the product for horses.

I'm enjoying marketing good stuff. http://www.koolnfit.com

I told the pain relief spray client about the oat-based bath
products and he bought some to for his dog with sensitive skin.
The bath products seem to work on animals too. Whether you
are too large to ride tiny kids ponies at the park or have sensitive
skin or a bit of muscle soreness, I've got a client for you!

I'm talking with an importer of premium Italian olive oil this
week and no doubt will be telling other clients about that too,
but I can't see myself sending you to the online casino for a one
in a million chance at riches.

About the Author

Mike Banks Valentine does Search Engine Optimization for
Small Business and REALLY LOVES promoting worthwhile products,
even when he's not working ;-)