Network Marketing. You either love it or you hate it.
There's no in between.
I tried it off and on over the years and I always ended up
running into a brick wall.
Because what the "Heavy Hitters" do is vastly different
from what they teach.
Are they trying to lie to you? Mislead you?
Maybe some are, but maybe they're just repeating what their
sponsors told them. So let's forget the scripts.
In the words of Pink Floyd, I want to "Tear Down The Wall!"
Rule # 1
Network Marketing is a business!
Forget about "Getting Rich Quick!" If you're looking to "Get
Rich Quick," you better take some heavy risks or be awful
lucky, because this business like any other business takes
time and hard work. No way around it.
Rule # 2
You must make a 1 year commitment!
Patience is the key. It takes about 1 year before true
"Geometric Progression" begins to take place. It's no
coincidence that:
Most network marketers quit within the first year.
Most network marketers fail.
Network marketers that stick it out for a year or more,
usually end up becoming the new "Heavy Hitters."
Rule # 3
Build your downline wide fast!
Make a commitment to recruit a new member into your first
level on a daily basis. There are two major reasons for
doing this.
A. Momentum is a key factor in keeping you dedicated to
your efforts.
B. Only about 5% of your front line members will contribute
to building your downline.
Rule # 4
The majority of your time should be spent recruiting.
This fits in with Rule #3. Most programs tell you to spend
your time training your downline to duplicate your efforts.
Guess What?
We're all unique.
Some network marketers build downlines mailing postcards.
Some are strong in getting top search engine placement
I enjoy using classifieds and email.
You can't force your downline to be you, you can only help
them build their own system.
You'll also get a major headache trying to work with the 95%
that aren't going to do anything.
Offer your help and those that are serious will contact you.
Rule # 5
There is no real secret to a large downline!
The "Gurus" didn't build those large downlines. They're no
different than you or I.
Stop The Presses!
If they didn't build their downline, who did?
Patience + Geometric Progression!
99% of a large downline is built by giving "Geometric
Progression" time to do it's work!
So if you want to be a network marketing "Heavy Hitter,"
get out there and start recruiting.
Wishing You Success
About the Author
John Colanzi.
John publishes the "Street Smart Marketing". To subscribe If you'd like to
see how John uses this strategy to make money in network
marketing visit: