by: Mark Vurnum
Why should I believe you??
A question that everyone that visits your web page will be asking themselves about you. The internet is a very big place and as we all know there are millions of sites out there.
So it’s vital YOU give YOUR potential customer a good "reason to believe" YOUR product will deliver EXACTLY what it says it’s going to.
This reason to believe could be that you’re already an expert in your chosen field or that you have published a book or held a teleclass or real life class on the subject.
Or it could be that YOUR product is proven to have delivered by getting testimonials or it been tested and out performed the competition.
But above all it’s vital that you give them some GUARANTEE that if YOUR product doesn’t deliver then they AT LEAST get 100% refund.
Take a look at all the big players in the internet and you will see virtually ALL of them will offer at the very least 100% money back and have 2,3,4 or more testimonials from satisfied customers.
ALL this is "REASON TO BELIEVE" that they will deliver what they promise. If they are doing it...shouldnt YOU???