The idea is to catch their ATTENTION.
You might have the best product or service in the universe
but if no one reads your ad, no one will ever know about it.
How many emails do you receive daily?
And, how many of those emails do you delete automatically
because the headline did nothing to peak your interest?
The headline must be short, no more than 6 to 8 words.
Less, in this case, would be more.
The very best headline I have ever seen in an email
message was just 3 short words long. It captured my
attention and enticed me to click on the link to visit a web site.
Can you guess what those words might have been?
Your headline must be in the Subject area of your email
message and it is recommended that you make use of one
or more action words to help capture your reader's imagination.
If you would like a FREE list of about 50 Action Words:
We are all busy online and we do not have time to do more
than give our email a quick scan of the headlines to see if
there is anything of interest that we want to read.
Plain-Jane headlines will NOT give you the results you seek.
When you drive down the street, what type
of business catches your eye?
Perhaps it is the one with colorful balloons, or a waving
gorilla or flashy clown. How about the car wash and gas
station that had girls in bikinis? Would that get your attention?
That type of gimmick has little to do with the business
but they do attract attention.
And either you get noticed or you will fail.
Your business must communicate effectively. Your advertising
should be in simple and easy to read and understand sentences,
using short words with a headline that is ATTRACTIVE.
The headline of your ad is the KEY element.
And, although it should be attractive or attention-getting, you
should never compromise your integrity with misleading ad copy.
When you consider all the different media types attempting
to capture our attention each day, it is understandable why
only a few ads will get noticed and still fewer will actually
sell a product or service.
A wild and crazy headline might make all the difference you need.
About the Author
A.T.Rendon is an entrepreneur and published writer.
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