Writing EFFECTIVE Ad Copy For YOUR Ezine

Writing EFFECTIVE Ad Copy For YOUR Ezine
by Laurie Rogers Copyright July 2002

Many people just don't want to face the fact that effective
ad copy is very detrimental to YOUR success. Let's face it,
if your ad copy is poor, sales just are NOT going to happen
and it will leave you feeling FRUSTRATED. Today I have put
together a VERY simple, yet EFFECTIVE way of writing ads
for your ezine. I have taught this method to the publishers
that currently use http://www.optinfrenzy.com and it did
help them a fair amount.

The first step is to make a draft copy of what YOUR ezine
offers and here are a few possible basics:

publishing frequency
tips and tricks
internet marketing
home business or home based business
affiliate marketing
ebooks and software
free report
free membership
scam prevention
ezine format - HTML, text, online

The next step is to go through your list and ask yourself
a question about each point.

publishing frequency - Every Wednesday etc.

original articles, exclusive articles, articles from online
successful marketers, gurus etc.

HOT tips and tricks, informative, helpful, useful time
saving, effective etc.

resources on an array of topics, variety, FREE, low cost
(and you could use some points from the point above).

ebooks and software - are they free? Do your subs win
them? "What's the value"?

free report - What's it called? - What's the value of it?

free membership - to what? - What's the value?

free ads - for new subscribers, weekly, bi-weekly. And
again what's the value?

Here are a few pointers for determining your values, let's
say you offer free ebooks and a free weekly ad. You don't
want to put in a value for everything - just the largest
value between the two. If your free ebook is only $14.97
and you are giving away free weekly ads, the ads would
probably be worth more. ALL people LOVE to know what
the "cost" is behind something.

The next point I really want to stress is that you have got
to talk directly to YOUR reader and talk like you normally
would - just like I am right now ;o) There's no need to talk
you're a scientist for nasa and you are selling spaceships.
It will just either come across like you are feeding them a
line or they'll be intimidated. And that is the last thing you
want to do.

My last point - regardless of whether you're writing a six
line ad or a 60 line ad you still have to close the deal with
a "Call To Action"! And when I first started writing my ads
by myself using Yanik's techniques, that was my BIGGEST
problem - I had BAD sales, because I wasn't sealing the
deal. So I asked Yanik about it and that's what he told me,
9 out of 10 ads fail because people don't seal the deal.

Another point I want to make, because we're all publishers
don't use subscribe today or subscribe now those 2 words
are highly over used. Do something a little more creative,
like this:

"And don't forget to stop by our software center when
YOU subscribe to receive YOUR free gift valued at $X.00"!

or we could have done this:

Don't forget to claim YOUR free gift valued at $X.00 from
our software center when YOU subscribe to "Ezine Name".

Either sentence has a definitive call to action, so either
would work fine. So, don't forget to seal the deal with a
call to action.

Article by Laurie Rogers Copyright 2002 All Rights Reserved

About the Author

Laurie Rogers is co-author of the Ezine Resource Guide,
http://www.zineadz.com/erg.html She is the owner of Optin
Frenzy - a paid list building program for ezine publishers
http://www.optinfrenzy.com You can obtain more of Laurie's
articles at: mailto:ezinearticles@optinfrenzy.com