Yes, Sheri, You Can Make Money On The Internet

Yes Sheri, You Can Make Money On The Internet
By: Hodges Hines

As I was typing this article my daughter saw me typing,
looked over my shoulder and seeing that I was typing
this ezine she asked, "Can you really make money on the

At first I almost responded with "Yes", but then I stopped
typing and began to explain. First I told her
that the internet as a business medium is just like any
other business except it is manifested in cyberspace
instead of a brick and mortar building like Big K or

My products are virtual (downloadable) instead of
sitting on a physical shelf or holding a physical
space in the store.

My products can be bought and existing on the hard
drive of any computer on the planet as opposed to going
to a geographical location and making the purchase.

She listened and after a while she said, "That's cool
Daddy but can you make any money?"

My answer to her and to you is yes. It is not an over
night process but it can be done.

It will take learning, an extraordinary amount of
patience and a determination that is surpassed by the
desire to never quit.

You will sell the products of others until you become
established. You will sell your own products if there
is a demand for them.

You will build mailing lists and joint venture deals
until you become known and trusted. Initially in the
beginning the joint venture deals will cost you more
than you earn.

Your mailing lists will not respond until you get them
to believe that you really can be trusted and the
product is wanted and worth the price. Still yet, you
must go on and prepare for business. If you are patient
enough, enduring enough and always seek to solve a
problem for someone, then, Yes, Sheri, you can make
money on the internet.
(c)Hodges Hines 2003

You may reprint this article as long as this resource
box remains. Hodges Hines specializes in helping
new marketers. View his site,

About the Author

Hodges Hines is a graduate of the New Vision Ezine Boot Camp. He is a ex mailman turned internet marketer. Hodges also writes another weekly column Broken But Still Good. He can be reached at