Incorporate the ideas below into your 2002 PR strategy. Declare
yourself an expert. Back it up with your knowledge.
1.) Secure Six National Magazine Writeups
National magazines are created months in advance. Submit your press
releases to them now. Select six magazines you would like to be
featured in. Study the articles closely. Contact them to request
their editorial calendar and writers guidelines.
2.) Monthly Local Writeups and Spotlights
Watch your local news and read all of your local newspapers. When you
come across a news item that you can tie in with your business, fax a
quick story suggestion to their news room. Make a list of the contact
names along with their fax numbers. Keep it near your fax or computer.
3.) Syndicated a Column
Create a Q&A business or consumer column. Syndicate it. Offer it as
free content to publishers. Remember to stipulate that your resource
box 3 line bio along with contact information remains intact.
Copyright your column.
4.) Publish an Ebook
Share your knowledge by publishing an ebook. If you don't have enough
time to crank out a masterpiece with endless chapters, publish an
ebooklet or release one chapter every month.
5.) Get a Professional Media Kit Designed
Make yourself and your site media friendly. Reporters are busy
people. They really appreciate it when you make it easier for them to
develop their stories. Hire someone to design a professional media
kit that spotlights your expertise. Whenever you are contacted for
an interview, offer to send your media kit to help the reporter
develop their story angle. Place the contents the media kit on your
site. Reporters are always surfing the web for innovative
entrepreneurs to profile.
6.) Repackage Your Products and Services
Revamp your products and services every three months to emotionally
appeal to your target audience. "Package" two or more of them to fill
a particular need or want. Give the "package" an attractive name
based on the need or want that it satisfies. Create a press release
to announce your new "package".
7.) Partner with Three or More Businesswomen to Create Joint Press
Open yourself up to several new audiences by partnering with three or
more businesswomen to write joint press releases. Select
noncompetitive businesswomen who cater to your target audience.
Report niche online news related to interest to your target audience.
There are a lot exciting news happening within the online women's
community. Share it with the offline world.
8.) Create an Online Award to Boost Traffic
Offer your visitors the chance to win an online award the most
resourceful site; online volunteerism; best site design; etc.
Stipulate that the graphic award must be linked back to your site.
Craft a press release to promote your award program.
9.) Develop a Monthly Tip Newsletter
Experts give away tips to demonstrate their skills. It keeps their
business on their target audience's mind. Put out a quick one
paragraph newsletter every month.
10.) Turn Your Web Site into a Community Resource for Your Target
PR savvy businesswomen build an audience of followers around them who
need their products and services. They might not need you today but
one day soon they will need to hire you. Offer them real membership
benefits networking, discounts, newsletterd, advertising, etc.
on your site.
About the Author
Jerrilynn B. Thomas Public Relations is the virtual boutique PR firm
catering to the specialized needs of micro-businesswomen.
ontact Jerrilynn B. Thomas at for a complimentary PR consultation to plan
your 2002 PR strategy.