Wow! You've just signed up for the greatest prgram on earth.
This baby's going to give you "Unlimited Wealth" to satify your:
Boy you're going to be running with the "Big Dogs".
Well brothers and sisters you better think again!
Before you celebrate and break out the champagne, you better
decide if you're going to be a leader, a follower or if you're just
going to waste your time and everyone elses.
If you're a "newbie" you're going to have to start out as a follower
and absorb as much information as you can.
Contact your sponsor and ask for help.
Don't be shy.
If you're an experienced marketer isn't it about time you started
sharing what you know with your downline.
Don't be selfish.
If you're going to make money in this new multi-level venture of
yours, you have to build your downline deep.
If the key to making money in real eatate is:
Location... Location... Location...
Your mantra had better be:
Build Deep... Build Deep... Build Deep...
How do you build deep?
Educate your downline. In the words of the Marine Corps "Semper
Fi". Always faithful.
They've put their faith and many times their hard dollars on the line
because they "Trusted You".
They have a saying in most sports that there's no "I" in the word
Your downline is your team, they're your new "family".
You're their "lifeboat" across the river. It's you're job to take them
from "newbie follower" to "experienced leader."
Once they're across the river, it's their turn to become the leader
for their recruits.
There's no limit to how many lives you can affect in a positive
productive way.
Make helping your new "family" your "Magnificent Obsession".
Wishing You Success
About the Author
John Colanzi.
John publishes the "Street Smart Marketing". You can get a free
subscription by visiting:
If you'd like to see how John uses this strategy on the net