Yes, they are for real. They are genuine. They are single and available. The vast majority of them are honest in their search for a mate.
That being said, there are some realities of life that you should be aware of with regard to the websites.
First, approximately two thirds of the women who sign up with the marriage agencies are over thirty-five years of age.
Secondly, approximately two thirds of the women who sign up with the marriage agencies have children.
The reason for this is very simple: These are the women who have a very slim chance of getting married in Russian society today. Consequently, they are looking outside Russia for their hopes and dreams of getting married.
Websites make their money selling the names and addresses of women looking to meet men from the West, and the corollary services of email forwarding and translation to facilitate their communication.
Western men naturally are most attracted to the youngest and most beautiful women. They are most likely to part with their hard earned money for the opportunity to meet a young and beautiful woman.