Choosing an International Marriage Agency (Mail Order Bride Service)

Choosing an International Marriage Agency (Mail Order Bride Service)

It is unfortunate that when you venture outside of the United States for love that you need to be extra careful with the women you court and the dating services you use. The prevalence of dishonesty, fraud, and neglectful service from international marriage agencies is very high. These guidelines will help you select a marriage agency (mail order bride service) with integrity and capability.

Are The Women Profiled Real?

Do not use an international marriage agency strictly based on the number of beautiful women profiled on the website. Any agency that has a high percentage of beautiful women should be suspect. Beautiful women are naturally rare and the most sought out women are beautiful. So it would only make sense that the most attractive women would have the highest turnover in a marriage agency. The best looking women will find a man sooner because they have more suitors and in turn they will be more difficult for a marriage agency to replace because there are fewer beautiful women available. To work around this, it is a common practice for foreign marriage agencies to show beautiful women as unattached regardless if they are married or with boyfriend. Two other common practices to inflate the beauty and number of women in an agency is the theft of photos from other marriage and model agencies websites, and illicit arrangements with local photographers for the purchase of personal photos of women without their consent or knowledge.

Beautiful women profiled in a marriage agency are meaningless if they are not available and unfortunately that is often the case. Many international marriage agencies will do whatever it takes to lure beautiful women to join. This is a translated example of an ad placed by a Colombian marriage agency in the local paper: