Don't Let Fear Keep You From Meeting Exciting Women!
First things first - can you have success dating if you can't meet the girl? Therefore, it's absolutely essential that you overcome your approach anxiety.
Some people think that approach anxiety can't actually be overcome. There are those who think that approach anxiety is heriditary - it came down to us from our ancestors. Others insist that approach anxiety actually can be overcome.
Approach anxiety has been overcome by many men using these suggestions:
Approach Anxiety can be Overcome in 3 Seconds!
This is a pretty straightforward idea. The underlying assumption is this: the more you ponder whether or not to approach a woman, or how to, the more uncertain you become about it and the more unlikely it is you'll ever talk to her. To overcome this, act quickly - don't give the anxiety any time to develop! As soon as you see a woman you want to get to know better, approach her immediately - within three seconds! This is an approach you have to use all the time if you expect it to be successful. Don't waste time or opportunities thinking up exceptions or excuses, though, or you won't have any time left for meeting wonderful women! There'll be times - like when you're running to catch a plane - when you really can't follow the 3-second rule, no matter how stunning and interesting she looks. But in most situations, as long as it's alright to talk out loud, go for it!
Approach Anxiety can be Overcome with the Power of Money
A wingman is necessary to this approach, but it's remarkably successful. For some guys, just having a buddy there watching is sufficient motivation to get out there and meet women.
If you're still holding back, though, even with your wingman watching, try this: hand him $100 in tens or twenties. Then, whenever you approach and spend time talking with a woman, he gives you back $10 or $20 - it depends on what the two of you agree on beforehand. The more women you meet, the more of your money you get back.
Let's be frank, though. These are just two ways of dealing with the problem. At the end of the night, no matter how many women you've met, the problem is still there. Approach anxiety can be eliminated from your makeup entirely, but doing that will mean getting down to the root cause of the problem.
I don't agree with the people who claim that approach anxiety is something we're born with. I think it's something we learn, something we pick up while we're growing up.
I think that when all the extraneous stuff is swept aside, the one consistent factor influencing approach anxiety is shame.
At some level in your psyche, when you're thinking about approaching a fascinating woman and letting approach anxiety get in your way, you're feeling ashamed. Perhaps you have unresolved issues about yourself, your appearance, your job, or something else, that embarrasses you and manifests itself as approach anxiety. Perhaps you think, subconsciously, that you don't really deserve to have an exciting woman like her in your life, and you feel ashamed of yourself for thinking of approaching her. At this point, it's all guesswork. Your situation is unlike anyone else's, and I don't want to paint people with a broad brush.