How to Get Girls With Bad Boy Attitude, and Nice Guy Style

When it comes to attracting girls, there are two main approaches that men often take: the bad boy attitude or the nice guy style. The bad boy is confident, edgy, and often rebellious, while the nice guy is kind, considerate, and respectful. While both can be successful in their own ways, combining the two can create a powerful magnetic effect that draws women in. Here's how to get girls with a bad boy attitude and nice guy style.

1. Show Your Confidence

First and foremost, both bad boys and nice guys exude confidence. However, the bad boy may come across as arrogant or cocky, while the nice guy may appear timid or shy. Combining the two styles means balancing the confidence of the bad boy with the humility of the nice guy. Show that you are sure of yourself and what you want, but also be willing to listen and consider your partner's needs and desires.

2. Be Direct

Another trait that both bad boys and nice guys share is being upfront and direct. While the bad boy may be blunt to the point of being rude, and the nice guy may be afraid of offending anyone, combining the two styles means finding a happy medium. Don't be afraid to express your intentions and desires in a straightforward manner, but be respectful and considerate of the other person's feelings at the same time.

3. Be Confident in Your Pursuit

When it comes to pursuing a woman, the bad boy is all about the chase, while the nice guy is often hesitant to make his move. Combining the two styles means confidently pursuing the woman you are interested in without being overly aggressive. Show her that you are interested and make your intentions clear, but also respect her boundaries and give her space if she needs it.

4. Pay Attention to Her Needs

One of the biggest turn-offs for women is feeling like they are not being heard or not having their needs met. While the bad boy may be too self-centered to pay attention to his partner's needs, and the nice guy may be too afraid to speak up, combining the two styles means being attentive to your partner's desires while also asserting your own. Show her that you are willing to listen and understand her needs, but also don't be afraid to express your own needs as well.

5. Be Authentic

At the end of the day, women are attracted to men who are genuine and authentic. Combining the bad boy attitude with the nice guy style means being true to yourself and not trying to be someone you're not. Don't try to be too nice or too cool, but instead, be yourself and let your unique personality shine through.

In conclusion, getting girls with a bad boy attitude and nice guy style is all about finding a balance between confidence and humility, being direct but respectful, pursuing her with confidence but also respecting her boundaries, paying attention to her needs while also expressing your own, and being authentic and true to yourself. By combining the best traits of both styles, you can create a powerful attraction that women find irresistible.