Tips To Attract Younger Women

Regardless of just how much older you are now, you can still attract younger women. Forget what your mind has led you to believe about how you're an old geezer who can no longer pick up chicks. When it really comes down to it, women are not too concerned with age, but rather what it is you can offer them. Here are some guidelines to success...

1) Know what Younger Women Want

One of the first ways to attract younger women is by knowing what they want. What a woman wants is very dependent on her age. It's best to think back to when you were her age.

For example, if you're into women who are in their early twenties, you're going to really have to give it some effort. Chances are you're in your late 30s, or perhaps even your 40s and have settled down a bit. It's important to realize that women who are in their early to mid twenties enjoy a bit of excitement, so talking about what you want to name the children definitely isn't the best way to catch her attention.

Instead, focus on being a bit humorous, but never step out of character so much that you're not being yourself. Women of all ages can always sense when a guy is trying too hard. It's a complete turn-off to any woman and can possibly destroy her perception of you altogether, not to mention, ruin any possible chance that you may have had with her to begin with. Always be yourself.

2) Some Rejection is Normal

It's important to realize that although you are trying to attract younger women that not all of them will be into you.

Many women simply won't date an older guy, regardless of how attracted to them they might be. They would much rather stick to guys their age because that's just how they choose to date.

Dating younger women is a lot like dating women your age. You're still going to come across women who aren't interested in you. Just remember to not take it too personally.

Rejection always hurts, but fortunately, there are and will always be plenty of other younger, more attractive, and fascinating women out there will find themselves intensely drawn to you.

3) Make A Show Of Your Social Status

The key to attract younger women is to appear as if you are important to society. You want to make sure that she realizes that you're a big deal to other women.

In order to do this, always make sure that you are surrounded by other women, even if they're just close friends. Make sure that you have an even mixture of women of different ages, so as not to create the impression that you're only into older women or younger women.

The wider the range of different types of women you're surrounded by, the more intriguing you'll appear.

4) Be Sociable

No matter what you do, never give off the vibe that you're completely and totally unavailable. Don't talk about other women or previous relationships either.

A lot of men like to seem mysterious and show up to the club or bar alone and sit in the corner. Although in your mind you may think this is appealing, it's not. It's one of the worst attempts to attract younger women. They'll regard you as someone who is anti-social and perhaps a bit creepy and weird - and oh yeah - being older won't help the scenery.

The older you are, the more you need to be social. Consequently, you'll appear ten times more attractive than all those younger guys.