Understanding How Female Orgasm Works For You And Her

You may have read this from somewhere: 75% of women do not reach orgasm during sexual intercourse. The good news is that as a guy you can improve on this situation to be in the 25% that make her sexually addicted to you. This requires you to understand the 4 stages of orgasm which are as follows:

(1) Excitement

(2) Plateau

(3) Orgasm

(4) Resolution


What happens when you get excited? Blood rushes to your penis and it goes hard. As for women, it works in the same way, with blood rushes into her genitals causing her clitoris to swell and her vagina to increase in diameter and length. Then she will start to lubricate, that its, she gets wet. While getting excited can happen to men quickly, for women, this requires gradual escalation. The key to get her excited is to build up her anticipation and tension.

Anticipation (otherwise known as