What Women Mean: Guide to Interpret Them Correctly

If you are dating someone, or in a relationship with someone, or would want to date or start a relationship with a woman, you have to be aware of what women mean. When women say the word: 'No,' does she really mean it? If she says 'Yes' to you, does she really mean '100% yes'?

Here are a few phrases men usually hear, which are usually misunderstood by a lot of guys whenever they are talking to women:

1. 'I'm not mad'. Why would I be?

If you notice your partner acting irritated, too silent, and then, when you ask her if she's mad, she says she isn't, do not immediately believe her. More often than not, when women say that they are not mad, they actually are.

What women mean when they tell you that they are not mad and then follow it with: 'Why would I be mad?' is this: they are actually mad and if you do not ask them more than once whether they're mad or not, you will only upset them more and they will also feel that you don't really care about their feelings.

That's why, when talking to women who tell you that they are not mad or angry, it is best to ask them the same question for a few times. If they still insist that everything is fine, you can make a couple of guesses about what you may have done that could have upset them, and wait for their confirmation.

2. 'Do I look fat?'

When women say that they look fat, and then, ask you for a confirmation, never ever tell them that they have indeed become fat, unless you want to hurt them or really upset them. When conversing with women and the topic of weight or physical characteristics come up, you have to be careful. Try to answer in a way that will make them feel that no matter how fat they become, or no matter if they have imperfections or not, they will still be attractive and special in your eyes.

What women mean whenever they ask you if they're fat is this: they want to get an assurance from you that they still look good so you should be prepared to dish out compliments about their nice traits, physical features, or characteristics.

3. 'What are the things you love about me?'

When conversing with women, and then, you suddenly hear this question: 'What are the things you love or like about me?' it is a signal that they are feeling down about something or may have some low self esteem at that moment.

What women mean when they ask guys that question is that they need cheering up and would expect to be given compliments, a hug, or even a kiss accompanied by words on how special they are.

With most women, a 'Yes' may actually mean 'No', and a 'No' may actually mean 'Yes'. Men and women have some similarities, yet so many differences, which makes conversing with women, most of the time, 'unsuccessful'. Once you find out what women mean, however, you can look forward to better communication with women.