Best Way To Sell Your Beats Online

If you want to sell your beats on the internet, you are going to be most successful when you make the least mistakes in marketing your beats. So to help you out, you can use these tips as essential guidelines in selling your beats online.

Be Patient

Alot of producers on the internet are not patient. They expect the beat sales to start flying in the second after the put up their beats on their site. It doesn't work like that. You see, when an artist comes to a page and hears a beat he likes, he isn't going to just buy it right then and there. He is going to take a couple of days, write a few verses to it, play it for his friends, then eventually he will like it enough to buy from you. So you see the process takes a couple of days before the artists wips out there credit card and purchases a beat from your site.

Stay Consistent

Here is another area to be aware of. When you upload new beats to your site, do it in a consistent manner. Artists come to your page alot if they like your sound, but they will be discouraged to keep coming back if you are only uploading 2 new beats a week. You need to keep the product coming, so keep in mind that it is not smart to upload 5 new beats on one day, then wait a whole week to upload new beats. The artists will lose interest. You would be better off consistently uploading a couple beats everyother day of the week to keep your visitors on their toes.

Listen to Whats Selling

This tip might seem obvious, but it is highly ignored by most. You have to keep a good idea of what is hot out right now. You can still make your own beats with your unique touch to them, but you have to keep in mind that you are a business, and you have to make what the people are buying. So it is a good practice to keep in eye on what the hot trends are, because if you don't, you are only going to be making beats that you like personally, but from a business stand point, they might not be the most profitable product.

These are just some guidelines to follow while marketing your beats, but if you would like more marketing tips for your beats, feel free to get some free info at my page -

To Your Success,

Chris Bala

Online Beat Seller, Entrepreneur