If you want to learn how to play guitar, then you are going to need to know how to hold a guitar pick. By this point in your learning process, you should have acquired a pick from somewhere. You will probably want to purchase a few for yourself since they are easy to lose and misplace and they are pretty inexpensive. You can usually get one for under $0.50.
When choosing a guitar pick, you may want to experiment with different shapes and brands. It is recommended that you start with medium gauge picks. These arent too flimsy or too hard so you should do well with them. There are also many other types and styles of picks.
Open your “picking hand” and turn the palm so that it faces you.
Next, close your hand and make a loose fist. Your thumb should remain beside your index finger.
Rotate your hand until you are looking at its profile with your thumbs knuckle facing you.
With your other hand, slide your guitar pick between your thumb and index finger. The pick should be located behind the knuckle of the thumb.
Be sure the pointed end of the pick is pointing directly away from your fist and hold the pick firmly.
Position your hand over the sound hole of your acoustic guitar or over the body of an electric guitar. Your hand with thumb knuckle still facing you should hover over the strings.
Dont rest your hand on the strings or body of the guitar.
Using your wrist for motion instead of your entire arm. Pick the 6 th string in a downwards motion.
Then pick the sixth string in an upwards motion.
Repeat the process several times to get a good feel for the sound.
Try the same exercise on the other strings.
You will learn more about picking and how to hold your pick as you continue to play and perform better. But the more you learn early on and the better you are at the basics, the easier everything will be for you later on.
Another important part of the basics besides how to hold your pick is how to hold the entire guitar. Proper position is very important to how you play. You need to learn proper sitting position and also where to put both of your hands. You need to get comfortable with this positioning before you will be able to play properly.
Learn to play the guitar quickly and easily at http://www.startguitar.com