My Full Guitar Tutor Pro Review - The Ideal Guide to Become A Successful Guitar Player

"Guitar Tutor Pro" is a very useful and a quality guitar learning tool designed by Ryan Cameron, an expert guitar tutor who has mastered the art of playing the instrument. The course format is basically an e-book that can be downloaded and helps one get started with the lessons immediately.

The lessons included in the training course are essential not only for someone who is new and wants to start learning to play the guitar from the very beginning, but also includes lessons vital for intermediates and advanced guitar players as well.

"Guitar Tutor Pro" course provides you with three professionally written e-books accompanied by over 400 audio files and 300 vital exercises that cover almost every aspect of what one needs to know about playing the guitar. It also consists of plenty of pictures and transcribed notation that will ensure that you get the hang of the lessons with ease and increase the speed of your learning process. The materials included within the e-books are really helpful for players of all skills.

You will also be provided with a few Bonus Materials along with the main package absolutely free. The E-Tuner Pro software program will offer essential tips on tuning the guitar by your ear. Guitar Chords Pro will enable you to learn a range of guitar chords. Click Track Pro metronome software program is a useful tool to develop the timing of your guitar play. Another useful addition is the music notation guide that will help you to improve your music reading skills. And finally, a guide that provides you with techniques on how you should tune and string your guitar.

One particularly important feature included in this course is the ability of the subscribers to contact the producer Ryan Cameron directly by mailing him any questions that they have while going through the lessons. You can also have access to unlimited future updates at no extra cost. New lessons will be added on a constant basis and you are able to download them and go through it absolutely free.

The complete training program along with the bonus tools mentioned above can be purchased for a reasonable price of just $47. If you are intending to go for private guitar lessons, then it's obviously going to cost you around $30 per lesson minimum. True that it's effective, but if you can get the same lessons with a guitar learning course like "Guitar Tutor Pro", that too at just a one-off investment of only $47, then why unnecessarily spend so much on private lessons? Something to think about isn't it? You are also offered with a 60 day-complete money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the course.

The only obvious setback that I see with the course is the fact that there are no video lessons included for any of the lessons. Had there been video lessons, the learning process would have been a much easier and a comprehensive one.

Having said that, "Guitar Tutor Pro" contains lessons that will help any guitar enthusiast to gain a comprehensive knowledge of everything that he/she needs to know about playing the guitar and become a pro at it.