Paul McCartney and Ringo Unveil Beatles Rock Band at Game Conference

Paul McCartney and Ringo appeared at the E3 video game trade conference in Los Angeles this week. They were at the convention to pitch the awaited release of the Beatles Rock Band video game.

The Beatles Game will be out on 9 9 9 (September 2009). The Game will clearly be the must-have Beatles Christmas Gift of 2009. It may be difficult to find at Christmas, so think ahead and put in your order today. The Limited Edition Guitar Controllers will most likely be especially difficult to find around Christmas. You can pre-order Rock Band here...

During the video game conference, Paul quiped, "Whoever thought we'd end up as androids?" Ringo Starr said "The Game is good, the graphics are very good, and we look great." McCartney and Starr robotically caricatured how their video game counterparts walked with no laughes coming from the video game industry crowd. I guess the video game industry take their video games very seriously.

Family members Yoko, and George Martin's son Giles also made short appearances on the video game convention stage.

The Video Game will allow users to step into the boots of the Beatles and play hits such as I Saw Her Standing There, I Feel Fine, Taxman, Back in the USSR, Octopus' Garden, and Get Back. You will be able to use controllers that are replicas of the Beatle's instruments including an optional limited edition Gretsh and Rickenbaker guitars.

With downloadable remixed songs, the video game is going to be the Beatles initiation into distributing their hits digitally having stopped the release of their songs as MP3s to iTunes.

At the same time as the Beatles Rock Band release, the Beatles will re-issue their CDs as new remixed and remastered songs. If they're as good as the remixed Let it Be and Yellow Submarine, everyone's in for a huge treat. Giles (George Martin's Son remixed the songs and introduced the remixed Beatles CD Catalog release at the E3 Video Game Conference.

McCartney and Ringo Played at a benefit last April, but appearances with the two have been scarce after the Beatles broke up. I'm hoping that Starr will make an appearance at McCartney's Citi Field performance. It will be the first concert in the New York Mets new baseball field. In a historic concert, the Beatles were the first to perform the Mets original Shea Stadium.

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