Paycheck : From director John Woo comes a futuristic thriller based on a Philip K. Dick story (Blade Runner/ Minority Report/ Total Recall) that combines spectacular action with a spellbinding mystery. Michael Jennings (Ben Affleck) is a brilliant computer engineer hired for work on top-secret projects. After each job, Jennings short-term memory is erased so he can not recount any project information.
Emerging from his latest assignment – a three-year contract with an eight-figure paycheck, given to him by an old friend (Aaron Eckhart) – Jennings is shocked to be told that he agreed to forfeit all payment. It appears he is left with no comeback – until he receives a mysterious envelope containing clues to his forgotten past. With the help of a beautiful scientist (Uma Thurman), Jennings must race to solve the puzzle of his past... whilst avoiding a terrifying discovery which awaits him in the future.
Well, I have to say, I expected worse...
I dont really have strong feelings about this movie in either direction, because I never got very involved. The action scenes and few original stunts were enough to keep me seated, but other than that, this movie doesnt have much going for it.
There are a lot of loose ends and the base concepts of the movie are sketchy and futuristic. Most movies like this have more explanation for why I should believe this future technology is possible. It wasnt believable enough to be taken seriously and it wasnt cartoon enough to delete the laws of the universe. I mean, at least in Minority Report, they had human psychics predicting the future, in this movie they just throw a bunch of lights and metal together and say it predicts the future.
I must also mention the sad attempt to rip off Pulp Fiction...Attention Movie Makers: glowing suitcases with undeclared contents, only worked for Pulp Fiction. It is not to be repeated. It doesnt work, and it just makes you look lame.
Ben Affleck just stares blankly most of the movie as to look worried or concerned, but he was most likely just thinking about cupcakes.
Uma Thurman proved herself to be more than a badass in Kill Bill, so I will excuse her for making this movie. Though she is nice to look at, she doesnt really do anything.