Every beat maker in the world is starting to catch onto the fact that they might actually be able to create income by selling beats online. More websites are popping up every day for producer's trying to sell their instrumentals.
MySpace and Soundclick are both widely used by producers on a mainstream scale. There are huge numbers of producers on those two sites alone competing to license their beats off to hip hop artists with low budgets.
I made this blog in order to teach producers some of the tips and tricks used in beat selling online. Let's start at the basics and move up from there.
It's important to begin on the right foot by using low cost website hosting and free strategies. Getting loads of traffic for free is possible on many different levels. Article marketing, forum marketing and SEO are all extremely valuable promo for beat selling.
You may choose to create an account on MyBeatShop or RocBattle but let me give you a small warning first. If you look at those websites and you study who's signed up with them, you'll realize that they are both communities completely made up of beat makers. This goes to show that there are many more producers listening to your music on these sites than rappers, which makes it very hard to sell anything.
I love using Soundclick.com before any other websites because it's honestly built for musicians of all shapes and sizes. For instance, there is a Beats section with over 800,000 producers signed up but it also has a Hip Hop section with over 1.4 million rappers! This means your target audience is right there, on the site!
MySpace is my second favorite website for similar reasons. In my experience, most of the rappers on MySpace have no idea where to get beats in the first place. This puts you at a state of advantage because you can be the one to deliver what they're desperately looking for (if you can find them).
Selling beats can be easy, to learn more just visit www.SellBeatsNow.com today!