Seven Summertime Solutions for Sustaining Your Music the Easy Way

Here in the Northeast, when summer finally arrives, you want to spend as much time as possible savoring every moment of the longer days filled with warm temperatures and beautiful weather.

It's been a long year filled with too many commitments, schedules, requirements and far too much rushing around. All you want to do is relax, bask in the sun, have fun and relish the opportunity to slow down your hectic pace.

So you ask yourself several questions like:
How can I keep my music alive?
How can I stay motivated?
How can I put playing the piano on hold for three months?
How can I have a good time without suffering the consequences?
How can I choose outdoor recreation without feeling guilty?
How can I afford to jeopardize the musical level that I have worked so hard to achieve?

Here Are Seven Summertime Solutions for Sustaining Your Music the Easy Way:

1. Listen to songs or pieces of music (on CDs or an IPod) that you play or would like to play.

2. Look at the sheet music while you listen to songs or pieces of music (on CDs or an IPod) that you would like to learn.

3. Organize all of your favorite songs and / or classical pieces into a loose leaf book or folder and play one or more of these every day before bed or first thing in the morning.

4. Read books and articles about music such as:

a. biographies of performers and / or composers

b. motivational material: here