Singing Lessons And Self Esteem For Teens

Self esteem is a hot topic for parents of teens, and many have found that enrolling their kids in singing lessons or other kinds of music lessons can be a real boost to how kids feel about themselves. There are several advantages for teens who get involved in these types of activities. Whether it is the ability to meet new people, or the pride that comes from learning a new skill, singing lessons have been shown to make a difference in how kids see themselves.

Singing lessons offer teens a way to get out and meet new people, which can be key to expanding their social circles and helping them find new ways to "fit in." They are often able to meet other teens who also have an interest in music, either through the singing lessons or by joining a choir or chorus. In addition, the confidence that comes as a byproduct of public performances can do wonders to improve self esteem. Both being part of a group and having individualized attention during lessons can bolster a teen's self esteem.

Surprisingly, becoming more educated in the musical arts can spill over into other aspects of a teen's education. Numerous studies have shown that kids who learn how to read music actually have an improved ability to understand mathematics. The result is a deeper understanding of other school subjects, and therefore the potential for higher grades. Again, this type of scholastic improvement has great potential to impact the teen's overall sense of self.

Finally, singing lessons have the ability to improve self esteem in teens by the very virtue of being fun. Kids who discover that they have musical talent also find that they have a new-found source of pride. Even those who are not concert-ready often enjoy the process so much that it can help to bring them out of their shells and to enhance the way they see themselves. For those who have the opportunity to enjoy singing lessons, it seems that the outcome includes a whole lot more than just a better singing voice!