10 Tips for Writing Web Copy

10 Tips for Writing Web Copy

 by: Joe McHenry

One of the most important aspects of a website today is the webcopy - sometimes called the sales letter.

In days gone bye, banners and graphics were all important but now it's the words that do the selling.

This short article will give you some pointers about writing good webcopy.

  1. You must know your target audience. How old are they? are they married? single? professional people? etc

  2. You must know your product or service inside out. From this knowledge you will be able to list all the features of the product and from the features all the benefits. You sell by quoting the benefits - NOT the features.

  3. You must be able to come up with a Unique Selling Propostion (USP)- that is the outstanding reason or benefit why your product or service is better than your competitors.

  4. You must know what your Most Wanted Response is (MWR)- i.e. do you want your visitor to order your eBook, or join your newsletter,or download a free report?

  5. Your ability to write good, interesting headlines may be critical to your success. It is said that 8 out of 10 visitors will only scan your headline and if it doesn't interest them, they click away. Tests have established that one headline can be 18 times more successful than another headline.

  6. For your body copy you could discuss a problem (which your product or service will solve) or tell a story. We all like to read stories - don't we? Use small words and small paragraphs. Write as if you are telling your best friend something she/he is desperate to know.Use plenty of white space as this makes your text easier to read.

  7. Place your guarantee in a prominent position - don't hide it in a PS at the bottom of your webpage.Be clear what it is i.e. 30 days no questions asked, or maybe 90 days...Whatever it is, make sure that your visitor knows about it.

  8. Testimonials must also be placed near the top of your webpage as this can give greater credibility to your product or service.

  9. Be precise when you get to the close and you're asking for your MWR. Make sure your visitor knows exactly what to do.

  10. So you have written your webcopy and it's not as successful as you hoped.

What do you do then?

You change something - I would change the headline first and track the results. If it is still unsuccessful then change the headline again and track the results. Change and track until you have the winning combination.

The short version of the Coywriters Formula is :

A. for attract i.e. get your visitors attention

I. for interest i.e. keep their attention

D. for desire i.e. make them want your product or service.

A. for action i.e. get a response - get your Most Wanted Response!

As you visit websites look for eye-catching headlines or phrases which interest you. Look keenly at the subject lines of emails even spam! When something impresses you, make a note of it in a "swipe file". This is a file where you can turn for inspiration when the ideas are not comimg.