3 Legitimate Money Making Ideas On The Internet

There are some great legitimate online money making ideas, If you are seeking a way to earn income from the Internet. Here are a few ideas.

1. Help people to find jobs. If you have friends or acquaintances who you know are seeking new employment, you may be able to help them and earn some money at the same time.

Websites like zyoin, referearns, who do you know for dough?, and several others are designed to match employers with prospective employees. Since you can refer the candidates, it is job hunting on more of a networking basis.

If the person you refer ultimately gets hired for the job, you earn $50 minimum and up to several thousand dollars depending upon the type of job filled. If you can refer well qualified candidates for a variety of different jobs this is a great way to make some extra money.

2. Write online articles and blog posts. Given the vast number of websites in existence and new ones created every day, the owners of these sites are actively seeking to add interesting and new content.

This requires relevant articles and blog postings on a regular basis. Many of these website owners simply don't have the time to create these new articles and are very happy to pay other people to create relevant content for them.

If you enjoy writing and do the proper research to develop well informed and useful articles you can earn good money creating these articles.You can advertise your services in places like elance, Craigslist, or guru.com.

Many people who are considering using you may ask you to send them some samples of your work. Typically once you are hired, you have agreed on a rate per article and the payment terms. This helps to ensure that you get paid for the work you complete.

3. Online Surveys. Many companies want to know what consumers think about their products and are happy to pay people for their opinions.

This opens up legitimate opportunities to fill out surveys on a variety of goods and get paid for their efforts. The administration for filling out online surveys is usually handled by companies which have contracts with manufacturers.

These companies administer the surveys and arrange for payment. You can find these companies through an Internet.

Just remember to avoid using any companies which want to charge you an upfront fee to participate. The legitimate companies never charge a fee upfront.

This is a relatively small sampling but it is hopefully clear that there are many ways to find legitimate online money making ideas.