Allow other web sites to use your online community
for their web site visitors. Just have them link directly
to the discussion board or chat room. Include your
web site's ad or banner ad at the top of the page.
You could also just create a discusion board or chat
room ring. It works just link a web ring except all the
online comunities would be linked together.
Offer other web sites free content to post on their
web site. Include your link on all of your content.
The content should be related to your web site
because it will be in front of your target audience.
Content isn't just limited to articles. It could be free
ebooks, software, online utilitys or services, web
directories, e-reports, autoresponder courses, etc.
When you purchase a product and it exceeds your
expectations, e-mail the business a testimonial or
endorsement. Make sure your statement is detailed.
Give them permission to publish it on their web site
if they link to your site.
Another option would be to write a review of their
web site or product.Write about the benefits you
gained from the web site or product. Allow them to
publish it if they link to your web site.
1) Give webmasters the option of linking to your
online community or start a chat web ring.
2) Allow visitors to post your content on their web
site if they link to your site.
3) Allow webmasters to publish your compliments on
their web site or ad if they link back to your site.
About the Author
Larry Dotson
Over 40,000 Free Business eBooks & More when you
visit: http://www.ldpublishing.com As a bonus, Bob
Osgoodby publishes the free weekly "Your Business"
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