It's getting tougher than ever to compete online these days so
more companies are taking a unique approach to Internet
marketing..... custom printed promotional products to help
set them apart from the competition and to gain customer
If you have a business online, you can benefit tremendously by
using promotional items. There's more to promotional products than
just buying some printed pens, caps, t-shirts, or calenders. Here
are 10 tips to show you how promotional products can help
increase your web site traffic and keep your customers once they
purchase from you.
1. Free Gifts to New or Loyal Customers
Promotional Items such as pens, calenders, mugs, keychains, etc.
make great gifts to show your appreciation to new or loyal customers.
When you give a customer something of interest for free, it adds value
to your offer and it also reminds her/him of your company continuously!
Remember, much obliged translates into
2. Incentive for Customer to Purchase More
You can give promotional items to your customers as an incentive
for them to purchase more. Many times, customers will purchase
only one item. You can offer a special gift to the customer if
he/she purchases an additional item.
For Example: If your company sells computers and printers,
you might enhance the customer to buy a computer with the
printer in a special discounted package and offer free items
as a bonus, such as pens, mouse pads, office supplies, etc.
Make sure it’s something he/she can use; that the gift matches
the style and value of the product. If only a small percentage
of customers per day take advantage of your bonus offer,
imagine what it could mean to your bottom line! It’s that simple!
3. Bring New Visitors to Your Web Site
Do a campaign to bring more customers to your site.
One of the most successful methods to get potential customers
to visit is to offer them something free of high perceived
value. If you send out a weekly or monthly newsletter, you
could offer a free mouse pad with each sign-up for your
newsletter. Or, you could offer a free item to customers
who fill out your online survey (one of the most effective
ways to find out what your customers really want from you).
4. Find Promotional Items that Compliment Your Business Niche
You can always find certain items that will compliment your type of
business - items that you know your customers will use often! For
Example: A pharmacy may want to order daily pill organizers with
the pharmacy name, address, phone, fax, and Web address printed on
them. This way, as soon as the customer needs a refill, they will be
automatically reminded to go to to reorder!
5. Packaging Products for Multiple Sales
One of the most overlooked (and cost effective) techniques
for generating extra revenues is packaging.
You may be able to package your products along with
promotional items for increased sales. For Example; An
online video business may offer all three Star Wars videos
along with a Star Wars T-Shirt. Customers love packages such
as this, and it would be a unique way to promote the site and
the product! Do you have products which compliment each other?
Remember, this is a sale you may or may not have made without
the package deal so it's almost like getting FREE MONEY!!
6. Free Contests and Drawings
You can give promotional items away in contest drawings.
People love to win stuff. It’s exciting for them to enter, and
the contest helps drive traffic to your site!
To be successful with contests, make the prize related to
your business so that the entrants are targeted.
I hope this has you thinking about special promotions and how
you can use them to enhance your online business. Online success
comes in increments so use some of these tips along with other
fresh marketing ideas to keep your business ahead of the
About the Author
Candice Pardue is the Webmaster and co-creator of OS-Marketing.Com
- Developing cutting edge marketing techniques for emerging and
established Internet businesses. Lots of free articles, tools and
resources for building Web traffic. Visit at: