7 steps for building a successful downline team

7 Tips for Building a Successful Downline
By Tricia A. Gibson

Have you ever joined a program that seems to be
working for everyone else but you?

Is your drop-out rate just as fast as your sign-up

Do you wonder why is it that you are not doing as

as the others? Well Your problem stems from one of

things or a combination of both.

1. You do not have the backbone support of your
2. You do not provide a backbone support for YOUR

Affiliate Marketing is not about who can get the

persons in their downline - it is who can get the

productive, goal-oriented persons in their downline.

Having been through the rigours of starting an
internet home business myself, I came to realise

I was not being properly motivated. I had to do my
own research and experiments to get to where I am

Yes, I did get messages from my upline, but those

the generic messages set by the system. These

had no creativity. Do you really think they were
interested in making money??

I certainly don't. But I am also guilty of this.
That's what I did when I started my first couple
programs. Needless to say, I failed!
That's why I am qualified today to tell you what

work when you are starting a home business in which

downline is required.

Here are some tips to help you keep and expand your

1. Send a personal welcome to each of your downline
Let them know where to find training tools and make
yourself available to help them get started on the
right path.

2. Make sure each individual understands the

that they've signed up for. You can't effectively
sell what you don't know about.
Explain what they are uncertain about.

3. Remember that you are dealing with humans - you
each have the same goals - to make money. Show them
the benefits of being a part of your team. Give

your contact email address - let them know their
sponsor is a real person - like them.

4. Teach them to duplicate what you've done. The

ssh ssh secret in affiliate marketing and downline
building is not how many people you can recruit - it
is how well you can motivate your team to duplicate
your efforts.
Bottom line - you will never be successful if your
team isn't.

5. Make them feel wanted. Let them know your
recruitment "secrets".
Create a chain effect by having them pass that
information onto their downline. Keep them

by sharing info on e-books, resources or tips that
you've found to be successful. Ask for their ideas
for making the team stronger. If you have a website,
provide a discussion board so your downline can meet
and share tips, even brain-storm.

6. Remember - everyone is not the same. You may

a member in your team who may not be as successful

recruiting and training as the others. Do not let
them fail!. Even if it means doing it for them.

hard work will be reflected in your commission
check(s). That particular member might be going
throught a rough time at the moment. I'm not

you to enquire, but chances are they will pick
themselves up and be more motivated to continue if
they are aware that the "team" [to coin a phrase] "

their back".

7. If you are not good at following up or

persons, there are many systems on the market that
will do this for you.
Each individual is different - you may not be very
adept at public speaking or keeping in contact with
your downlines. If you are such a person, try to

a system that can easily automate these tasks for

That is - if your primary program does not offer

a system.

To sum this article up. Always, ALWAYS - treat your
downline members as your business partners. That's
what they really are. For your partnership to be
successful, you need to build a personal

with them. Let them know you can be contacted for
advice on any aspect of the business.You are only as
good as your team.
Your success is dependent on the teams' effort.

your downline with care!

About the Author

Tricia Gibson is an Affiliate Marketer with over 5 years experience. She is the Editor of Tagteambiz Ezine which tells the secrets of how to recruit and build successful downlines, choosing the right home business, Get FREE advice, ebooks, articles etc.