Begin An Internet Empire!

n An Internet Empire!

 by: Tom Anthony Lowes

Well, I’d first like to talk about what exactly has inspired you to read this article. Was it just look that you’ve stumbled across it or was it because it was free or was it because you wanted a free and ultimately invaluable resource on starting your own Internet business. It doesn’t matter what you sell it could be anything from tennis shoes to e-books. Well really e-books is what I’m talking about.

First of all, the e-book business is HARD, very hard. It’s competitive and you never know what exactly to do at the start. Below I am going to detail what you have to do, but remember that these are only guidelines and your imagination is welcome here!

1) The most important thing I think you need to get first is a good product, without that you have nothing. It doesn’t have to be anything particularly spectacular, but you must be able to make it seem more than it really is. With e-books this is remarkably easy because all the sales letters come with the e-book when you purchase the e-book to resell. That means some poor person has had to write all that persuasive text for you for FREE!

2) The next thing you need to get sorted is a web page of some sort, otherwise there’s no visual representation of what you have to give/sell to your visitors! A web page must be well laid out and be very easy to navigate. Your visitors must not struggle to pay for the product they want, if they struggle then the chances are they wont buy “If you can take a step out of the buying process do so!”

3) After you have the ground made things sorted, you need to put yourself on the Internet this is covered in 3-4. The first thing you need to put your site on the Internet is a host of some sort. Most people use free hosts because they’re free; I disagree with this because they put banners/popups on your site, which do two things. They increase the page load time, making visitors wait longer. They also bamboozle the visitors and can often lead visitors away from your site if they’re interested in the banner. I would recommend you find a cheap host with no banners and a good bandwidth, also a host where you can purchase a domain & hosting plan together are usually the best, no hassle you know where everything is and no transfer charges. I would also recommend that you check they allow CGI script, as this comes into an advantage later on for many things you may need!

4) The next thing I’m going to discuss is a decent domain; a domain name is something like The best thing about domain names is that, with so many companies competing for your business, you can pick them up for next to nothing. The three main things with domain names is, their length, the descriptiveness, the likeliness it will be spelled wrong if said to someone. I personally recommend that you buy domain name because it’s shorter than, and it’s more well known throughout the world. Also if you can try to keep your domain hyphen (-) free and within 14 letters long. Domain names are best bought with the host your with, if you go to a host and they sell a package eg. “1 year domain + years hosting for only $50” then this is what you should go for. The price doesn’t really matter; you’ll just have to shop around to find the lowest. Domain names are a must for any business, if you can’t currently afford a domain name then you could opt for a free domain name like, these companies will give you a sub domain, search under “free url forwarding service” and you’ll find out what I mean.

5) Traffic, is the next step, traffic is a multi million dollar industry. Everyone needs traffic to succeed in the Internet business world. You could be giving away $100 FREE, but if no one sees it then the money’s in your pocket. Traffic comes in two parts, passive and direct. Passive traffic is something, which is utterly brilliant, you can’t really create passive traffic but you should try. First of all passive traffic is when, someone either tells a friend about your site because the content/product/customer service was so good, or when someone for example sees on your yahoo profile that you have a web page and decides to visit it. Passive traffic also comes in many different forms; passive traffic is unstoppable and creates a massive boost of traffic. If someone says “I usually use google as a search engine it’s the best” then more people will visit and visit it thereby creating passive traffic.

6) Direct Traffic is something totally different, unlike passive traffic where you don’t know when your going to get traffic with direct traffic you do know because it’s planned. Cahoot an Internet bank launches huge advertising campaigns; this aims to bring in direct visitors, people who want what you’re selling. The best thing about direct traffic is that it can be obtained in so many different ways! You could run your own newsletter, mailing list, competitions, and special up-to-date news. Direct traffic however has a down side, if 1000’s of visitors visit your site and signup or join your e-mail list great. The problem comes that if like most huge Internet marketing strategies, you have many many Internet campains working at the same time you come across a big problem…..

7) Statistics, you don’t know anything. Since early history and prehistory man has used statistics to predict weather, make bets, trade stocks, fight wars, make money etc, but most ADVERTISE! The bottom line is that you need to know, what’s working and what isn’t working, you need to know where your money is getting or losing you customers. That’s why most Internet marketing sites have a “where did you find us box” If they’ve spent 1 million advertising in newspapers but only had 10000 responses they should really drop the newspaper! This can be done on your site simply by, sending visitors from one campaign to a different web page or putting a referral script or program in the way to tell you where all you visitors are coming from.

For more information about Internet marketing and also the ebook line of work please visit this site, which will give full ebooks (with resale rights). They have a small but powerful collection of the latest Internet marketing ebooks to get you started on your road to success. Also Work from home opportunities available!