Building a strong web presence is important for anybody wanting to earn money blogging. The blog building process normally takes time before you can develop a sizable and loyal following. When you intend for subscribers to also spend money it is important to build trust with them to increase their comfort level and your marketing effectiveness. This all begins with first establishing an online presence in order for people to become more familiar with you, and a blog can do just that.
Here are 5 ways blogging helps to build trust and loyalty with people while also giving you a more dominant online presence as well.
It's Your Pulpit
Your blog platform should be a reflection of what are representing while also being a 'forum' of your opinions and insights. In this way people will be able to easily grasp an idea of who you are while also gaining exposure to your business, products and/or services. The cool thing about the way your site is presented is that nothing is forced upon people allowing them to visit and browse at their own leisure and pace. This approach is very helpful in being able to build trust with others since little or no pressure is felt by them.
It's Interactive
By allowing comments on your site, which by the way is recommended, people are able to get more involved with what goes on your blog. This interaction leads to exchanges of ideas, suggestions and thoughts while also bringing participants closer together through the sense of community that is being developed. As more people partake in these discussions the word gets out and your online presence tends to grow. These exchanges also help display more 'spark' or personality as responses are normally motivated by a passion for what is being said and a persons reaction to it. Your blog is now developing a 'face' for the tone and activity that is being displayed.
It's Search Engine Friendly
It is no secret, or at least it should not be, that ever new post 'pings' the search engines who send their 'scouts' (spiders) out to check out the new content. With each new visit, provided the content is relevant and optimized properly, your rankings receive a boost which means more traffic which once again helps to boost your online presence.
It Can Be Sticky
If you post interesting and/or useful content people will tend to keep on returning to see what's new. As your following becomes more loyal to your site their comfort level increases along with their receptivity to any promotional messages you may send them. This is where you benefit from an increase in your marketing effectiveness due to the familiarity and trust you are developing with visitors. Remember however, as the site administrator, it is up to you to keep posting quality entries to make your blog more 'sticky' compelling folks to return time and again. As they do, they will be inclined to 'spread the word' helping to increase your traffic and guess what else, your online presence!
It Fills a Needed Void
Why would you expect people to visit your site? Simple, people want a place to 'hang' online where the thoughts, focus, ideas are in line with their personal interest. Remember blogs are really simply nothing more than highly focused social sites.
A strong web presence is an important first step to establish if you intend to earn money blogging. As people become more familiar with you and a loyalty begins to develop this will help to increase your marketing effectiveness. The discussion above serves to demonstrates 5 ways in which your blog helps to breed familiarity, build trust and gain the loyalty of people who visit your site. In doing so this will only make it easier for you to earn money blogging as you maintain a strong online presence in the process.