Changes in the Wedding Industry

Changes in the Wedding Industry

 by: Patrick Ryan

Along with technology comes change and the wedding industry is feeling these changes more than most.

Traditionally when arranging a wedding ceremony or function people send out personalized letters with self addressed envelopes inside so their family or friends could reply. Still one has to admit it is VERY nice to get these personalized invitations in the mail. It does however involve quite a lot of time and expense to do this though. Imagine if you have 100 guests. That’s 100 personalized letters! Time wise too one has to follow up all these letters. Time consuming and expensive to say the least,but tradition none the less.

Well, now there is an easier way to make your wedding arrangements run smoothly. Personal or Custom Wedding Websites seem to be all the craze. On many of these sites such as you can create your online wedding site just by entering in the required info in the easy to use admin panel. It also has a RSVP form which can let you know instantly who is coming and who is not. Other features include security – You can password protect your site should you not wish just anyone to view. Blogging lets the well wishes leave their message for all guests to see and more.

The nightmare of arranging many people to attend a wedding ceremony or function has been relieved by this new found technology. A lot of people like myself prefer the old traditional method of personalized letters of invitation. But at the same time I have to admit I’m so strapped for time it’s even hard for me to sign the invitation, wack it in the envelope and throw it in the postbox.

I’m afraid the time has come for speed and convenience for both the wedding planner and guests alike. Like it or not Wedding Websites are here to stay and growing day by day.