by: Niki Mcelroy
If you haven't got around to starting a news letter, I will Let you know it's easier than you think! I will start on the pretence that you have already established your website. That means you already have a topic of conversation. It doesn't matter if you are doing a site on multilevel marketing, or religion, or stories that inspire, you will want to keep your news letter based on that topic.
There are a few different methods to starting your news letter. I will cover two of them.
One option you have is to use outlook express to manage your news letter. You can even use it to create HTML style news letters Like the big sites do.
Here's the steps to do that:
Just a tip
Link to graphics through your website, if you link them to your computer they may not show in all email boxes.
The second option is a more professional aproach, you can get a script for your website that works great. You will need to be able to run your own cgi scripts on your server to take advantage of this offer. This is a great script that I have used my self and dont have one complaint yet. Click the following link to get this script for your site:
Once your news letter gets large enough you will want, and most likely need, to use this option. The best thing about using this script is that your subscribers are automatically added with the sister script and unsubscribed by either the sister script or the script I am suggesting. Both save you time and money, as they are free.
All that is left for you to do is come up with content for your news letter, even if it's something as simple as site updates.
You will want to promote your news letter because you will find that just a simple link or banner that says subscribe isn't good enough. You may want to use a popup or a pop under window letting people know about you news letter. You can use the pop up upon visitors entering or exiting your website. I suggest using the pop under as it is far less intrusive.
A great place to generate this code for free is: You will only have to sign up for the weekly news letter. For all the great free tools and you can use for having a free membership, it will be well worth it!
Offer an incentive to subcribe to your news letter or ezine, like a free E Book, free membership, or maybe a chance to win a prize. Your subscription rate will double!
Another far more effective way of promoting your news letter is through a subscription service. You can learn how to build your subscriber news letter base. quickly, easily, and inexpensively with valid, 100% double opt-in subscribers guaranteed! You can choose from the number of subscribers you would like to have every month so you wont have to break the bank. You won't have to waste your time with worry about the hassle and aggravation of having to track your results you only pay for what they deliver! Click now to learn how:
This is most likely one of the best methods of paid advertising online. These are your guaranteed return visitors. You want to keep your subscribers so don't bombard them with emails or you will lose them. Daily and a couple of times a day are to much! Let them know how often they will hear from you so that you are not loosing them. This mostly is directed at those of you who want to email your subscribers more than once a week.