So when you are at your computer, do you
push or pull? Okay, now you can get your
mind out of the gutter.
I'm referring to communication on the
Internet. There are essentially two
ways to move information on the web.
There is push technology and there is
pull technology. E-mail can be labeled
as a form of push technology. How?
Let's say you subscribe to an ezine or
electronic newsletter. Well the publisher
sends (pushes) it out to the subscribers
via e-mail on a set schedule.
And once your e-mail is out there... well,
you know the rest.
As we all know, the growing problem with
sp^am has caused our inboxes to be so
clogged we might miss or even delete
that ezine from our favorite publisher...
... or that product inquiry from a customer,
a new product announcement, and an important
notice from an affiliate upline.
Then we have our ISPs. They have tightened
filters to the point that we are not even
getting all our messages.
The frustration that ezine publishers, website
owners, downline managers and many other
business people are experiencing just trying
to stay-in-touch is unprecedented.
The solution? Pull technology. That's right.
As many are discovering, e-mail is out and
channels are in... big time.
Channeling (pull technology) eliminates all
those issues for both subscribers and publishers
alike. Listen to these strong benefits.
Subscribers are in total control of when and
what information they receive WITHOUT giving
out their e-mail or any personal information
at all. Plus there's no op^ting in and out.
Publishers are also in control because they no
longer have to deal with all the hassles of
publishing via e-mail. They simply add an item
to their channel, click a button and all their
subscribers receive it immediately.
I personally like the sound of this, both
as a publisher and subscriber. Think about
it. The potential to start unclogging our
inboxes and receive what we want when we
want it. It's growing on me.
Maybe, we should start chanting, or writing
the following slogan: "Don't push me. I'm
now channeling." Well, it's a start anyway.
About the Author has been vocal in seeking
out new and improved ways of communicating
between publishers and readers... businesses
and clients. There is no perfect solution.
But this may be as close to it as we get.