Double Your Income With This Best Kept Business Secret

What is the one element that your business can't survive
without? Here's a clue. Without effective implementation
of this one element, your business is sure to fail.

Is it a great business plan? Is it dynamite web copy that
sells? Is it super products and services for your niche
market? Or is it...?

And the million dollar answer is...

Drum roll please. Promotion! Your business can not
survive without promotion.

But, not just a little promoting here and there. I mean
consistent promotion. You should spend at least 80% of
your work time promoting your business.

I'm sure you are asking yourself what I mean by promoting
your business. Advertising and marketing your product or
service. Branding your business name. These are forms of

Now I'm sure you are asking yourself why you should spend
80% of your time promoting. Well, how do you expect
customers to find your product or service if you don't

Just because you have a great product or service and
killer web copy doesn't mean customers are going to come
running to your website to buy.

Oh! And did you realize that a customer sometimes has to
see your promotion up to seven times before they buy?
That's why it is important that you get your message out
over and over again.

Remember this:

More Promoting More Customers

More Customers More Sales

More Sales More Profit

Finding enough time to effectively promote a business can
be difficult, especially for online business owners who
have to balance business management with promoting.

Business management usually includes such tasks as:

Replying to customer emails

Answering telephone calls

Publishing ezines/newsletters

Reading emails, ezines, articles, and web copy

Website maintenance

Finding fresh content, new promotion methods, and new
places to promote


From this incomplete list you can see how business
management can easily take up the majority of your time.
But the bottom line is that you need to spend more time
promoting and less managing.

If your business is not doing as well as you would like it
to be doing, you probably need to spend more time

I know what you are thinking. How can I spend more time
promoting and less time managing?

Simple. Learn this best kept business secret - Speed

Speed Reading is a technique widely used by the offline
business community. Large companies pay thousands of
dollars each year to have their employees trained in Speed
Reading techniques.

Why would large companies invest so much money in Speed
Reading training for their employees? Productivity of

You see, learning Speed Reading techniques allows you to
double or triple your reading speed. That means you
accomplish more in less time.

Business owners know that they and their employees will be
more productive so they don't mind spending the money
since ultimately the increased productivity will lead to
greater profits.

For some reason the online community has failed to embrace
this technique. But if any business owner ever needs to
learn Speed Reading, the online business owner does.

With the constant flow of emails, ezines, and articles
along with the web copy that online business owners must
read each day just to keep up, Speed Reading is a
necessary skill in order to be productive.

If mastered, Speed Reading techniques can essentially
increase the productivity of the online business owner.
Increased productivity simply means spending less time
managing and more time promoting. The increase in time
spent promoting leads to greater profits.

Have you been spending more time managing your business
rather than promoting your business? If so, now is the
time to make the change. Start spending 80% of your time
promoting your business and watch your profits soar.

Speed Reading is a valuable business tool. Master it.
Then use it to your advantage!

About the Author

Want to learn Speed Reading techniques? Leigh can help.
Click here to find out how:
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