Attracting visitors to your website is the ultimate goal of every site owner out there -
millions of web sites all fighting for the same visitors. Many web sites fail to attract visitors, not because of the site's content, but because the site owners have failed to promote the site!


We often refer to the Internet as being similar to a vast library with millions upon
millions of books (web sites) - now imagine trying to find one book that was not indexed (search engines) or promoted (search engines and links) at all, that's exactly what many website owners do.

So how do web site owners market their Web site? Why do some web sites appear
higher up in lists of search engine results lists? Follow my "Ten Golden Rules" and you'll learn the basics of how Webmasters,Web site Owners,Affiliates,Publishers,Associates,and Net-work-marketers, promote their websites.


An understanding of how they do it may make it easier for you to understand the
workings of search engines and the like.

Step One -

Webmasters,Web site Owners,Affiliates,Net-work-marketers,Publishers, must always remember that a little patience now can pay
off a hundred fold later on. They will have to live with mistakes for a long time, with some databases they enter information into seeming to rarely get updated. Practising a little patience always pays off.

Step Two -

Webmasters,Web sites Owners,Affiliates,Net-work-marketers,Publishers should go out and explore the Internet, they should learn about their
competitors, how to use search engines, plan their web site link strategies (perhaps giving reciprocal links, etc.) and more than anything else they practice grovelling, begging and generally being nice... by helping others they ultimately help themselves.


Step Three -

When Webmasters,Web site Owners,Affiliates,Net-work-marketers,Publishers,and Associates, think they have an understanding of the Internet the
next thing is to review their own web site.

Does it have meta-tags? are all the keywords correct? have they put up any mirror
pages? does the site have a title? and so on. Only when they are completely satisfied with their website do they begin.


Step Four -

It's now time for them to gather the basic information required together
into a promotional survival kit (PSK). No two kits are ever truly the same as no two web sites are ever the same. This is what I recommend as a basic survival kit: One 400 x 40 static banner (not animated) as used by many banner exchange programs.- One small logo to represent their web site. It should be designed with care and a little time spent on it. It should be legible and meaningful.- One large logo of any reasonable size, designed with care.-


A list of all web site pages with their URLs and page titles which they wish to have
indexed by the major search engines.- A description of their website which should be concise and attractive to potential visitors; at least two descriptions prepared,one with no more than say twenty-five words and one with around fiftywords.-

A list of keywords pertaining to their site, arranged in order of importance (important
ones first). When keywords are selected they should include intentional spelling mistakes - most people are terrible at spelling.- Their full contact details (name, company name, email address,telephone, etc.).-


The category under which they wish their site to be listed indirectories like Yahoo!-
A description of the target audience for the website.- Lastly, but most importantly, they should find a means of keeping track of their website promotion efforts. I use a note pad and pencil,others use a text editor, whatever you feel comfortable with.

Step Five -

This is the last chance to check that everything on their site is just right
and make those last minute changes. After this they often take a break and get to know their family... it'll be a while before they see them again.

Step Six -

With the site details to hand they will visit all the major search engines
and add their URL to the database, remember know that each search engine is different. In one to six weeks or so their sites details will start to show up in search results.

Step Seven -

Many Webmasters,Web site Owners,Affiliates,Publishers,Associates,Net-work-marketers, find that most visitors to their site will not actually
come from search engines, they come from links with other sites. Finding sites that are prepared to link with them is not as hard as you might think. They often already know who their major competitors are, and can find out and write down the URLs.


They can then visit a search engine like:


A common introductory email often goes along the lines of:

We have just visited
your wonderful site and we liked it so much we thought we'd ask if you could review our website to see if it warrants a link from a site as good as yours.We particularly liked... [a little praise goes a long way here] Our site covers... [here they briefly explain their site with the twenty-five word description]Thank you, all help in promoting our site is appreciated. Sincerely Name"Tag line


[the page with
link banners]"As you can see the email grovels a bit and praises the other Webmaster - nothing they like better than this. The email gives good concise information which doesn't take too long to read, and it gives a link to the page on the web site which contains suitable banners.

Step Eight -

Good signature files are essential as you can see in the example email
above. The signature file goes at the end of all emails they send - not only looking professional but also helping to bring visitors.

Step Nine -

Webmasters,Web site Owners,Affiliates,Net-work-marketers,Associates,Publishers will visit a few newsgroups, forums,reading the messages for a
while before posting any questions/answers so that they do not get accused of blatant advertising. All postings and answers are always to relevant news groups and are followed with the signature file. In this way everyone that reads the posting is a potential visitor.

Step Ten -

Start again. Search engines and sites change, and Webmasters,Web site Owners,Affiliates,Net-work-marketers,Associates,and Publishers, need to
constantly promote their web sites to ensure their continued success. But a Web site's promotion is never finished...and it must of course be supported by offline advertising as well for credibility.If you watch out for some of these tricks then next time you will know when a Webmaster,Web site Owner,Affiliates,Publishers,Net-work-marketers,and Associates are surreptitiously trying to get you to visit their sites!



Inaddition to search engines marketing,email marketing,offline and online marketing, another very good but essential way marketing your web sites is the Viral marketing systems,I recommend viral marketing to webmasters,website owners,publishers,online marketers in general.

The technique is to look for a winner,join it,it may take a little bit of time for it to start working,but the truth is that if you carry out the instructions of the viral marketing well,just make sure you promote and promote your viral maketing,when people join just like you they will help you to bring other people who will help you to drive millions of quality traffic to your web site:

Below are 3 typical examples of viral marketing you can use to promote your web site:

1. http://snurl.com/2nmz

2. http://www.opportunity.com/r/rotimi

3. http://viralclick.com/cgi-bin/run.cgi?r105

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About the Author

About the Author:
(is a Web Site Advertising and Marketing Consultant
