Get linked!

Getting linked is the very simple concept of having other web
sites link to yours.

Notice I said 'simple concept' not 'simple process'. It is a
lot of work to find sites that have a similar audience as
yours, then search their site to see if they even offer free
links to other sites, and then find contact information to
ask them to link to you.

Here are the top 5 excuses I have heard for not getting linked:

1. It takes way too much time

2. For every five I ask, I'm lucky if one actually links me

3. The sites that link to me always seem to have low traffic

4. I never get more than a few visitors a day from these links

5. I hate having to give a reciprocal link

My responses to these excuses:

1. Spend 30 minutes a day and find as many places as you can.
If you stay with it you will be amazed at how much you will
have accomplished after a couple of months.

Some days you may only find one or two sites, but on others you
will get lucky and find a place with dozens of resources listed.
You can then just visit each of those and wipe out a large
number at one time.

2. It is definitely a numbers game but if you don't ask you
will never know if they would have linked to you or not. There
are also many factors that can better your chances of getting
a return link. I will go into more detail below.

3. Many times this will be the case because the sites with
tremendous traffic usually want you to advertise with them or
have equal traffic counts for a reciprocal linking arrangement.

Several points to keep in mind, though. First, some of these
sites may not stay small forever, and as their traffic grows
you will hopefully start to see more visits from them. The
other thing to keep in mind is that if you stick with this
you will end up with a couple hundred links in no time. If
each site sends you only one visitor per day that is an
additional couple hundred visitors that you didn't have before.
And its free!

4. The answer here is basically the same as the last. Another
benefit of these links is boosting your link popularity for
search engine ranking.

5. Create a links page with links to other useful sites. Place
your reciprocal links on that page. Don't bury the links page
but offer it as just one more valuable piece of content for
your visitors.

Some larger sites require a graphic or link on your main page
to consider your request. I typically skip these and go to the
next site, unless their link adds value to what I'm offering
on my main page and if there is a good chance I'll get a great
deal of additional traffic from them. You can try it out for
awhile and if you aren't comfortable with the arrangement,
just remove the graphic and let them know that they can re-
move your link from their site. At least you have given it a

To look at it another way, if you sell advertising on your
site you are sending away some of your visitors in exchange
for money.

In a link exchange you might send away some of your visitors,
but in return you are getting additional traffic to your site.
Typically you would have to spend your own advertising dollars
to get this traffic anyway, so it is the same as if you had an
advertiser on your home page.

Besides, hopefully your site will be interesting enough to
keep them around for awhile, and when they are done, then they
will go and visit your links.

Now that we've covered the excuses, let's look at how you can
increase your chances of getting linked from other sites.

First thing is that you really should have a quality site.
Don't just throw together a page of banners and expect people
that have worked very hard to get the hundreds of thousands
of visitors to want to link to you. Your link adds no value
to their site.

The next important item is to personalize your email to them.
Actually take the time to visit their site and find something
that you like about it. Find contact information and even a
name if it is listed.

Find the specific category or page that you feel your site
would fit well on and mention that page specifically in your

If they think your email is generic they'll delete it right
away. I know I do. The latest fad is to use automated programs
to create theme pages and blast out automatic emails to every
site the program finds.

This may work to an extent but more than likely the only ones
that really benefit from this are the creators. The search
engines already know about this and have provisions to
penalize sites using these. Read through the second bulleted
topic on this page:

They have quickly gone the way of the FFA pages, or the Dodo.

If you make an honest effort at this you can expect a decent
return for your efforts. Look for shortcuts and your chances
of huge success are shorted.

The next logical question in all of this is how in the world
you find sites to link to you.

My favorite starting point is to find the sites that are
linking to my competition. If they are willing to link to my
competitor, they just might be willing to link to me too.

I use this great resource:

Its purpose is to show you how popular sites are in relation
to others, and it gives a ranking such as Player, Contender,
900 lb Gorilla, etc.

When you get to that link just enter in a couple of your
competitors, and your own URL as well, and click Generate
Report. This will show you how you rate as compared to your

The other nice feature is you can click on the results for
the domain for each of the search engines. Meaning, if it
found 200 links to a site listed in HotBot, you can just
click the number 200 in the listing and it will take you
to the HotBot results. Then you just visit each of those
sites, learn a little about them, then fire off an email
to the webmaster.

This method should give you a great start and keep you busy
for a while.

The bottom line is that there are many benefits to getting
other sites to link to you, just don't let the excuses
keep you from getting linked!

About the Author

Chuck McCullough is the owner of
offering FREE articles, tips, hints, and real-world advice
on how to make money with your website. Visit his site or
join his FREE newsletter, The AffiliateMatch Informer by
sending a blank email to