How Get Targeted Traffic On Overture For Pennies

I'm always looking for more ways to get targeted traffic
from my articles. I decided to give pay per click search
engines a try.

The best place to start was Overture. The only problem
with Overture is the high price for many of their search

I knew I couldn't afford the $3 or more for some of the
keywords. That just wouldn't be cost effective.

I ran a search for the keyword Free Content. It turned
out Free Content was the most searched for term in that

I next ran a search for the top bids. It turned out I
could get listed in the top 4 for $.07.

I placed my bid and waited for approval.

I didn't expect very much for $.07, but who knows.

After two weeks of the test I've already had over 50
targeted hits.

I'm sure you're thinking what good is 25 hits a week?

Well think about it, I can add more keywords. $.07 is
for the most searched term and is the highest priced.

For under $.07 per visitors, I can drive targeted
traffic to my site, each and every week.

Even if only a percentage of the visitors add my
articles to their web sites, my links will multiply for

So how can you take advantage of this?

Set aside a portion of your site for your articles. If
you don't have any articles yet, take some of those
free reports floating around the web.

This is an extremely low cost method of drawing traffic
to your web site.

Wishing You Success,
John Colanzi

About the Author

John publishes the "Street Smart Marketing" newsletter.
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