How Many EBay Accounts Am I Allowed To Have?

How many eBay accounts are you allowed to have? The simple answer is that there is no limit! You can set up one account or one hundred, the choice is yours, however each account must have an individual and unique email address. Other than that all of your details can be the same.

If you are just starting out on your eBay selling journey you may be curious as to why multiple eBay accounts could help you, so let's consider now exactly why you should not limit yourself to one account.

Buying and Selling

I'm sure that you have stumbled upon some auctions on eBay with typos in the title or particularly poor descriptions that don't really describe the item for sale at all. Perhaps you've found an auction that finishes at 3am, removing the possibility of a last minute bidding war, or one that doesn't have a photo showing the product advertised.

These types of auctions can usually be snapped up for a great price, allowing you to actually sell the goods on eBay for a profit. The problem? Some prospective buyers are likely to snoop around your previous purchases and sales to ascertain if you are a reliable seller. Seeing that you made the purchase of this item and are simply selling it on to make a bit of a profit could put them off, or even encourage them to look for similar bad auctions to find a deal themselves.

This problem can easily be avoided simply by having two separate eBay accounts, one for buying and one for selling.

Multiple Markets

The next reason that you may wish to have more than one eBay account is linked to the specific areas in which you are selling. It makes sense to sell into different market areas in eBay so that you can always make a profit, even if one market area is struggling. This may be because some items sell more successfully around Christmas or in summer for example. By diversifying your portfolio you stand a better chance of continuing to be successful all year round.

But why do you need different eBay accounts to sell different types of products? It's true that you could simply sell a range of different items from the same account, but by splitting your niche markets into different eBay accounts you may find yourself more successful. When buying on eBay a person must trust that the product will be adequate and in a good condition; you can enhance that trust when all previous auctions are in the same market as the one that said buyer is actually looking at. They will assume that you are an expert in the field with one quick glance at your feedback and previous auctions.

What's more, you can even choose account names that are related to your niche market. What better way to convince your buyers that you are the perfect place to visit.