Image if you never had to sell again and opportunities
just fell into your lap.
Does this sound impossible?
Does it sound like a daydream?
Well it's not.
Not if you're a problem solver.
Whether you offer products or services, there's one
thing we all have in common.
We're all in the problem solving business.
Think about it.
Once the word spreads that you're a problem solver,
prospects will beat a path to your door.
Everyone on this earth has problems.
Once you've developed a reputation for problem solving,
you'll never be idle.
There are more people with problems than you could help
in ten lifetimes.
What's the quickest way to develop a reputation as a
problem solver?
Writing articles.
Once I started writing articles, everything changed.
I went from an unknown, unprofitable marketer, to an
expert problem solver.
Guess what?
You can too.
Once you've launched your article virus, you won't
have to look for opportunity, it will come to you.
Join me in the problem solving business and you'll
never look back.
About the Author
John Colanzi has been writing for the Internet for 3
years. He has shown hundreds of webmasters how to use
mindset medication to join the ranks of the successful,
prosperous marketers. Subscribe now to his "Street
Smart Marketing Newsletter and put your business on
the fast track.