How To Avoid Spam Complaints in your Emails

How To Avoid Spam Complaints in your Emails

Spam filters are responsible for deleting a high
percentage of legitimate business emails from
people who have no wish to spam. Here are some
tips to avoid spam complaints in your emails or

Avoid the following triggers in your emails.

1. Excessive use of ALL CAPITALS in the subject

line and body of your email.

2. The use of words like "free"(used alone or in

combination with words like "trial","money",

"quote", "sample", "membership", "access" etc.)

Other more obvious word to avoid include

"sex", "XXX","spam", "$$$", "checks", "money",

"extra income", "as seen on TV".

Even seemingly harmless word such as "search

engine listings", "cable converter", and

"reverses aging" will get you in trouble.

3. Excessive use of exclamation marks "!!!"

Tips for Staying on the Right Side of Spam Filters

1. Use words like "news", "newsletter", "list"

in your subject line.

2. Say how often your ezine is published in the

subject line - weekly, monthly.

3. Put date of newsletter in subject line.

4. Put issue number in the subject line.

5. Ensure your newsletter is a proper ezine with

some substance in the text.

To help identify spam in your emails/ezines use the
following spam checker always before you send
anything out.

Above all, use your common sense. We know what spam
looks like, so avoid anyting that resembles it in
your ezine.

(C) John Lynch

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