How to Avoid the Death of Your Business

to Avoid the Death of Your Business

 by: Paul Barrs

Hello and welcome to this, our final tutorial, in our series, "101 Ideas to Improve your Business."

Administration and Management!

What is it?

It is simply the most overlooked are of any micro or home based business?


Because most home business operators think that they can build their business successfully, without the infrastructure of a traditional business.

Without doubt, that is not the case.

If you are one of those who do not attend to the finer details of administration and management practices, you could very well see the closure of your business without any warning what so ever.

Maybe you're beginning to feel the strain now. Does it feel at times that things are getting a little out of control? Do you know exactly how many sales you need to make this week to not only pay your bills, but set some aside for the next rainy day also?

If you don't we can show you.

This tutorial will focus on each of the different areas of management that you need to implement in your business to assure it's future success. You'll learn how to track and measure, how to foresee potential threats and how to over come them before they arrive.

This tutorial will cap off all the previous and bring them all together.

This si a must see (or must hear)!

You'll need to be Online, plus have a copy of Real Audio installed on your system.

If you don't have Real Audio, you can download a free copy at

Then simply click on the link following, and enjoy. If for some reason the link does not work from your e-mail client, please cut and paste it into your browser.

(Oh yeah, grab a pen a paper as well.)

Click Here:

Hope you enjoy it and please, feel free, to send me some feedback at