by: Salihu Ibrahim
Link popularity is very important with regards to search engine placement or ranking. Most Search Engines including Google, place much importance in a Website's link popularity. They use the number of outgoing and incoming links to a Website to determine the importance ( relevance ) of the Website for a particular keyword or keyword phrase. However, incoming links are more important than outgoing links.
The Search Engine Google, uses its PagerRank (PR) as a measure of the link popularly of a Website. If you have the Google tool bar installed on your browser, you can easily see the PR of any site you visit on the Web. You can download it here. The PR of a site ranges from 0 to 10. The higher the number, the better. A grey PR bar means the site has not been indexed, been dropped or has been banned.
Search Engine builders, continuously research ways to make their search engine result pages (SERPs) relevant to users. Different methods have been employed to determine most relevant pages. Methods such as keywords in title, keywords in metatags, keywords in filename, keywords in headings, keywords in links, keywords in content of pages etc.
Webmasters have found ways to manipulate these, thereby improving their ranking in the Serps. The latest method is link popularity. Obtaining quality links from good Websites is not easy. A good Website would only link to you if convinced there are some benefits for his site or his site visitors. However, Webmasters have again found a way of beating this latest hurdle. They do this through reciprocal linking. I see search engines rejecting reciprocal linking in future because this is an artificial way of boosting link popularity. The only sure way for the search engine to ascertain link popularity will have to be one way incoming links.
Reciprocal linking is simply exchanging links with other webmasters in order to boost link popularity. It involves sending e-mails to webmasters of sites with relevant and complementary content
Write a nice and polite e-mail to the Webmaster you wish to exchange links with. However, take note of the following points.
Most site do not have their contact email on their sites because of spammers or email harvester software. You can contact webmasters through their "contact us" form or use to obtain information on how to contact the webmaster. You can run your link popularity campaign through third parties such as Their prices seem a little bit on the high side. You could also use software such as Zeus and Arelis. These software automate most of the manual tasks that go into building link popularity. However, care must be taken when using them. One could be labeled a spammer when used wrongly.
One way incoming links, are the best type of links to have for your site. They increase your PR and link popularity. They indicate to the search engines that your site is an authority on the keyword or keyword phrase used to link to you. However, it is the most difficult to acquire. You can build your one way incoming links using the following strategies.
As you go through the web, running your e-business everyday, you will discover that the most successful sites are those that give something away for free. Sites that are authority in their segment of their market are those that provide useful content, or free tools, or free service, or software. Building such sites takes a lot of patience and perseverance. But in the end the reward is immense.