How to Close a Sale

How to Close a Sale

 by: Julie Martin

You have gone great lengths to drive customers to your site, but there is still one more step to ensuring that these customers will actually click the buy button before leaving. Internet businesses can make this very difficult by removing the human element, and therefore, the special touch it can take to make the sale close.

How can you make your business different? We’ll give you a few tips on how to convert the window shoppers to actual buyers.

Tip # 1 – Offer Something Free

If you need to clinch a sale, offering something for free can often be the tipping point in closing the deal. Absolutely everyone appreciates something for nothing. It can give you the edge that you need in today’s competitive e-business world. You can select free giveaways, or even contest entries, that will cost you nearly nothing.

Tip # 2 – Install a Live Chat Feature on Your Site

How many times has a customer left your site on the verge of purchasing an item, but couldn’t find the answer to that last little question they have? If you are noticing a high rate of visitors and they are not converting to sales, you could benefit by installing this feature to your website. Many companies offer free or lite versions of their scripts, or you can have one custom made and tailored for your website.

If you do choose to go this route, make sure that you post definite hours that this service will be available and do your best to stick to them. There is nothing worse than having a question and having the live chat not working.

Tip # 3 – Build Your Customer’s Confidence

You can actually do this quite easily by providing consoling and helpful information about your company. When you purchase items online, do you prefer to know all that you can about a company before handing over your hard earned money? Most people do. If you are a member of the Better Business Bureau, or Veri Sign, make sure that you post the graphics that they provide in an easy to spot location on your website.

Tip # 4 – Customer Reviews

Encourage previous customers to comment on your service and then ask them for permission to post their comments on your site. Having product and store reviews can really make the difference when you are trying to stand out from the crowd.

Tip # 5 – Offer A Variety of Payment Options – And Make Them Secure!

Having your customers feel that their payment information is secure is absolutely vital in closing a sale. The payment options you provide can also make a difference. If you don’t offer credit card processing, you may need to look into the myriad of options for merchant accounts. You can also benefit by adding a check by Internet or phone option.

It is also helpful to include the old fashioned method of accepting payments, through the mail or over the phone. Many people just feel more secure using the telephone or sending you a check. If you can accommodate them, you are sure to see an increase of sales.

Tip # 6 – Product Reviews and Information

It is a great idea to offer product reviews on the items you are selling. If you don’t have the ability to collect these from your past customers, you can do some research online for your item and see if there are any public reviews.

If you can post as much information as absolutely possible on each of your items, it can actually mean less work for you down the road. Try to imagine yourself as a consumer shopping for your particular product. Think of the kind of questions you might have and then answer them when you are posting your descriptions. It will save you time on customer questions and it might even be the clincher for that sale.

These are just a few hints to help you on your way to success in e-business. You can experiment with these options or even add your own. When you find the method that pays off for your business – stick with it!